More season 7 speculation

Aug 09, 2011 21:52

The following contains spoilers about a potential character returning.  NOTHING is confirmed.  It is all just speculation on my part, so read at your own risk.  Instead of spoilers, you should consider this a CONSPIRACY THEORY.

Edit: Feel free to listen to the x-files music to enhance your enjoyment of this post.

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It's been a very very quiet week in SPN fandom.  All the actors have been super silent on Twitter.  Misha broke the silence this morning with a, uh, rather poorly timed joke (let's just move on please) and Jared said some random stuff here and there, but for the most part, they've been tight lipped.

That is, except for a certain snarky angel.  Sebastian Roche has been acting really fishy on Twitter lately.

Just look at this:

The rational person in me says this is just an ordinary job and he's just being a big tease.

But the fangirl in me screams


As long as you understand this is nothing concrete and just a conspiracy theory, read on...

I mean, why else would he have to be so secretive about a project?  SPN is filming right now.  And writing.  It syncs up too well.  And Balthazar keeps getting nominated for "favorite new character" all over the place.  Without a doubt he was the most interesting character introduced in season 6 and fans have loved him.  It's just... it's just...  OH BALTHAZAR BB COME BACK


spoilers, twitter, supernatural, non-fic, i talk a lot, wtf, wait what, sebastian roche, lol i a crazy person, random

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