Reviews: Elementary and Zero Hour

Feb 15, 2013 07:33

Ok, two shows aired last night that I want to talk about.  First off, Elementary...

This was the episode I've been waiting for.  They've both admitted that Joan is no longer just a sober companion.  She's something more.  He works better with her and she thrives in his line of work.  They are perfect companions.  Funny thing?  I don't ship them like I do John and Sherlock.  Yeah, I don't know why.  But despite this lack of shipping. their relationship gives me ALL THE FEELS.  It's a beautiful dynamic.  I can honestly say I look forward to the new episodes every week, almost more than I do Supernatural *dodges flying rotten vegetables*

Up next, the new show Zero Hour...

This show has potential, but I'm not sure if it's going to use it.  I feel like they rushed the pilot.  It could have easily been spread across 2-3 episodes with much needed character development in between.  The plot is interesting, but if I don't care about the characters soon I won't be sticking around.  For example, I feel like there's an interesting relationship dynamic between the protagonist and his young female apprentice.  I could have sworn they were father/daughter, but she calls him by his first name so maybe not?  I want to know more about that.  Also, he immediately started picking apart the clock, which seems strange to me.  Is it because he's special and tied into the whole mystical mythos?  Is he, like, a Sherlock Holmesian deductionist?  That just jarred me a bit.  It was all just too fast.  A handful of characters spread out across three countries in one hour long episode and I don't know much about them at all.  I'll keep tuning in, but they better start turning the character development aspect up a bit.

tv is srs bsns, zero hour, elementary

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