(no subject)

Dec 30, 2012 15:57

I finished Babylon 5 and I'm having a lot of emotions.

G'kar, Londo, and Lennier are all dead.  I am heart broken.  I feel like they sort of threw poor Lennier under the bus this last season and that fucking sucks because I love him.  But at the same time, Londo and G'kar improved drastically.  You win some, you lose some, I guess.  But it doesn't matter BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL DEAD

And I know Sheridan was supposed to die, but the moment they made it clear it was set 20 years into the future I shouted NO and debating stopping the episode.  NOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Anyway, Star Trek TOS is the clear winner for what I should watch next, but my episodes won't be ready to watch for at least a few more days.  I'm going to try to find them streaming and watch that, but if I can't, I might end up watching Farscape instead and this whole poll will have been for nothing.

babylon 5, , star trek, tv is srs bsns, why do i do this to myself

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