Van Con: Saturday Summary

Aug 26, 2012 00:59

The first thing we did on our first con day was meet up a couple of people from the pacific_slash comm (drop me a line and I WILL friend you back!)  We also checked out the vendor area before heading down to the panel area.  While we were waiting for the meet up we ran across these incredibly hot amazing Dean/Cas cosplayers.

Later on in the evening they won the costume contest.  Well deserved!

First Panel

The morning started off with Russ Hamilton's (location manager) panel. To put it simply: he is a crazy man. He said he forgot his pills and I do not doubt this. Every other word was "fuck" and he broke out a bottle of tequila just shy of 11:00am. But there were interesting tidbits. He thinks the creepiest location is the purgatory set and his favorite set is from monster movie. The panel may have been odd (and considering how crazy these panels get, that's saying something) but it was interesting.  I'd definitely go to another one of his panels if I had the chance.

Second Panel

Up next was Julie McNiven (Anna). She's gorgeous an quite funny. Apparently during that famous "hand on the window during the sex scene" thing, Jensen wasn't even in the car. She re-enacted the scene on stage a couple times and when the questions died down she said "you guys just want to see me hump myself, don't you."  Her choreography had me LOLing pretty hard.

She also doesn't believe Anna is bad, which is a view I fully agree with. Anna just wanted to save the world and that involved killing one person. wallmakerrelict wooed and a bunch of us applauded. FUCK YEAH ANNA. She also mentioned that she thought Anna was the angel Anael, which is something I've seen come up in fic quite a bit. Julie McNiven is one of us lol.  She's such a sweetheart and the panel made me really really miss Anna even more than I already did.

Third Panel

And then came the Mark Sheppard and Mark Pelagrino panel. As mentioned in my previous post, Mark P sang Time Warp and Sweet Transvestite a little too well. I was going to ask if he was a fan, but a the girl in front of me asked it instead. Turns out he is a huge fan!  He used to drive out to midnight showings all the time.  My love for Pelagrino just sky rocketed.

I ended up asking what their favorite scene to film was. They ended up talking about their favorite RHPS scenes instead, which was ok. Then they asked what my actual question was and then they answered. Mark S's was the first scene where Sam tries to shoot him but there were no bullets in the cult. Mark P's were the scenes with Nick and his wife/Lucifer before he let Lucifer in.

When I was standing by the microphone he came up and looked at my Got Fandom? shirt and he pointed at each square and was like "eeny meeny miny mo." He's been in 2 of 4 of the fandoms on my shirt. It was excellent. HE WAS SO CLOSE.  I got a lot of good pictures of him and Mark P.  Asking questions leads to good photo opportunities.  Excellent!

This next picture isn't really a GOOD picture, but the girls expression is my total GPOY and I just have to post it because yes, whoever you are, me too, my friend, me too.

Speaking of the fandoms on my Got Fandom shirt, Moffat is well aware of how badly we want Sheppard on Sherlock. "Tweeting them about it probably isn't helping," Mark says. Mark stated that he respects Moffat's casting decisions. He hasn't been asked yet, but if Moffat creates a roll that fits him, he's more than willing. Sherlock is apparently Mark's favorite show.  Fingers crossed that the stars align and he gets to be on it at some point!

Fourth Panel + Photo Op

Up next was Richard Speight Jr and Matt Cohen aka Dicklomat. They always have fun panels, but they didn't walk around nearly as much as they did at BurCon. There were some highlights though. Richard told the story of how at NJ Con he left his phone alone for 5 minutes and when he came back Jared and Misha had changed his email signature, his wife's photo icon, and a bunch of other things on his phone.

I only managed to get a couple of good pictures through the whole panel.  And yes, Richard was sporting a fine mustachio.

There was also a super awkward moment where a fans question was "can I sit on the chair [on stage]?" They let her and moved on to the next question, which was the last question, and afterwards Richard told her to leave. She refused and Richard grabbed her arm and started pulling her off stage. She then shouted "Help! Security! I'm being manhandled!" Richard said "yes you are" and kept pulling her towards the stairs. She then pulled back and tried to sit down on the stage and ugh it was awkward as hell.

Then I had my Richard Speight Jr photo op. The picture hasn't printed yet, but I'll post it when it prints. I told him that he responds to me a lot on twitter and it makes me smile and he said that he must respond to me a lot because my posts are interesting.  We hugged!  I squeed!

Edited the next day to add: we then talked about this on twitter here.  And somehow Jim Michaels on involved in the conversation.  Not sure what happened there!  But it was an excellent thing to wake up to!

Fifth Panel + Photo Op

Then came the Jim Beaver and Misha Collins panel.  It started off with tribute videos to both Castiel and Bobby.  The Castiel vid was promoted as "A Tribute to Castiel" but...  it was totally a Destiel video.  I mean...  it was all the Dean/Cas moments from the entire show.  It was awesome.

They started off the panel by having two fans come up and draw on the Jared and Jensen promo pictures that were on the stage (you can see them in previous pictures in this post).  The goal was to "enhance" the pictures to sell them off for charity at the end of the panel.  The girls stayed up there the entire panel.  Lucky girls.

This is what they ended up producing.

Sold for $500 for Misha Collin's Random Acts Charity.  Misha put on lipstick and kissed Jensen's cheek.  NOT KIDDING.

Sold for $400 for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation.  Yes, this cons theme is apparently Rocky Horro Picture Show.  Sam is Rocky and Jensen is Magenta.  PERFECT

There were some amazing Dean/Cas moments during the panel.  A fan asked what they were doing to pass those long and lonely nights in Purgatory.  Misha said "anything two guys would do on a camping trip.  Campfire.  Share a sleeping bag."  Jim cracked that it was like "Brokeback Purgatory."  Usually I cringe when Destiel gets brought up at panels, but this was well done.  Good job guys.

Misha also shared a couple of stories about Vicky and West that made my heart flutter.  First off, a fan asked where the strangest place is that they'd ever relieved themselves.  Misha said he didn't have any interesting ones, but his wife did.  Once they were driving around Chicago and Vicky really had to pee so they pulled over to a bar and she begged them to let them use their restroom.  They refused her.  So she peed.... on their front step.  VICKY WILL PEE ON EVERYTHING THAT YOU LOVE.

He then shared a story about how they went to a strip club together and they kicked her out because apparently they don't like women in the audience (lol wtf kind of strip club is this? fuck them).  Vicky then stood at the door and told everyone that came by not to go inside because she'd give them a show for free.

Let me say this once and be perfectly clear about it: I.  Love. Vicky.

Fucking amazing woman.

He also told a story about how West was chasing geese and then the geese started to chase him and bite at him so Misha hit the goose to make it leave his son alone.  Then West thought "oh, this is the thing to do" and started wanting to hit geese.  Also, West apparently ate goose poop before Misha could stop him and now Misha is waiting for him to keel over dead.  Whenever Misha talks about West my heart melts.  He loves his wife and son so much.  OMG what a great family.

Then we had the Misha photo op.  I told Misha that wallmakerrelict and I wanted to pet his beard and I asked if that was ok.  He was like "yeah, ok."  I can't wait to see how this picture turns out!  Then it was my solo op and I was going to tell him to do whatever he wanted and he just hugged me before I could say anything and I'm not going to turn down a hug from Misha Collins so I'm pretty sure I have a picture similar to my last one but that's ok.

Waiting for Guffman Autographs

After our Misha op we had to scramble to get our parking situation squared away and then race back for autographs.  I knew autos would go a while, but this went at least an hour and a half longer than BurCon.  I was pretty surprised.  I ended up chatting with the girls from pacific_slash that we'd met earlier in the day and got some great show recs.  Apparently if I like THE GAY I should watch Due North.  Also, I should probably watch The Guild because GEEKERY.  Waiting can be tedious, but it's also a great time to interact with your fellow fans and meet some great people.  If any of the girls I met are reading this, let me know who you are!  There were too many screen names to remember.

When it came time for autographs, I thanked Misha for the autograph he gave me at BurCon.  I look at it every day and it keeps me going.  He high fived me and signed it like this.

"And on to 2013 and BEYOND!"

It was super rushed this time and he seemed really tired and the line was really confusing, but it was great to high five Misha.  I don't think anything can beat my last encounter with him, but I'm going to be on a boat with him for 3 hours tomorrow so... we'll see.

Sorry for the lack of quality Misha Pics, but tomorrow should prove to be fruitful.  I will probably update with my last con post sometime on Monday.  We won't get back into the US until way past midnight.  If we make it back to Portland it'll be around 4:00am.  We may or may not stop at wallmakerrelict's family's house in Washington so we don't have to drive so late.  Who knows.  We'll be playing that part by ear.  I'll probably be transfering and editing pics on my laptop whilst driving.  Then as soon as I get a wifi connection I will post them.  Stay tuned.

wut r dis, superwholock, vancon, supernatural, mark sheppard, i hope misha never sees this, i talk a lot, jim beaver, my tags amuse me, matt cohen, so tired i could die, look at my life look at my choices, lol wut r these tags, misha collins, vicky is hot, richard speight jr, brb crying now, why do i do this to myself, i hope misha does see this, wtf, i did a thing, lol i a crazy person

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