(no subject)

Aug 19, 2012 02:34

If you ship Sterek you should probably read this article.

Some highlights...

"I'll admit this is a bit out of reach of my understanding, even as a gay man. I'm also not sure they may see the characters as perfectly 'straight,'" [Jeff Davis, Teen Wolf showrunner] explains. "We've certainly made some hints to the possibility of Stiles being bisexual. As to the psychology of why 'girls like boys who like boys,' I haven't asked enough questions or heard enough to really understand the psychology behind it. I know of certain relationships such Holmes and Watson that might have a kernel of truth to them within the actual writing, but then others I'm less sure about. Like what's called 'Wincest,' a romantic relationship between the Winchester brothers onSupernatural."


Jeff tells us he understands why fans want Stiles and Derek together, saying, "I realized I'm a shipper myself. All the way back to Maddy and David on Moonlighting. One of my favorites was Mulder and Scully on X-Files. The sexual tension between the two actors was one of the best things about the show. I loved all of the cases on The X-Files and the mystery, but I believe I loved the characters more."

teen wolf, so so gay, jeff davis, slash, sterek

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