(no subject)

Jul 08, 2012 00:07

So Khai loaned her laptop to me so I could work on my Dean/Castiel big bang.

She's a keeper.

She also just watched the park bench scene and I AM FEELING VERY FEELSY

My new laptop should arrive by Thursday.

But for the next 24 hours I am a writing machine.

wut r dis, so so gay, personal shit, in which i attempt to date, supernatural, anyone pay attention to these tags?, i hope misha never sees this, i talk a lot, look at my life look at my choices, lol wut r these tags, slash, portland, dean/castiel, castiel, all about castiel, why do i do this to myself, wtf, i hope misha does see this, i did a thing, lol i a crazy person, random

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