(no subject)

Jun 16, 2012 21:21

So today was pride.

Here's a brief photo summary of my day.

But waaaait, is that a book of Mormon in the middle?  Why yes.  Yes it is.  It was my first freebie of the day.  While Khai and I waited for the bus these two lovely and sweet Mormon boys stopped and started talking to us about the Book of Mormon.  We were very nice to them because, well, they just wanted to share their beliefs and even though I lived through the LDS campaign against gay marriage in California, I'm not about to judge these two boys for the actions of their whole church.  We took their book and bid them farewell and then we went to get our gay on and spread rainbows and glitter everywhere.

When we go there, this is the first thing we saw.

There were a ton of booths and I got a lot of schwag, which you can see in my first picture.  The two things I bought of note were a pair of earrings that I plan on wearing to VanCon...

... and a gift for Pregnant Hipster Cousin, who was due on June 10th and yet still has not gone into labor.  She's obsessed with owls so I figured this was perfect.

Then me, Khai, her friend Sara, our friend Alex, and wallmakerrelict decided to rent this bike thing and go for a ride.

Forgive the guys thumb.  He did not understand how to take pictures with an iPhone.

As you can see I was in the front row center so I didn't have to pedal.  I dubbed myself Khaleesi of the ride.  I did end up having to pedal for a quarter of a mile because Khai stole my spot when we all got out to push the damn thing up the hill.  But then she decided she didn't like just sitting there bored so I took my rightful place as ruler of westeros front row center.

Being front row center gave me power over the bell.

Here is video of our last half mile as we crossed the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland.  Keep in mind, the full trail was 3 miles, so we were they all fucking DEAD at this point.  Since wallmakerrelict was there, expect a subtle Castiel reference that goes over the head of everyone else but me!

image Click to view

Then we all went to Thai food and Khai and Sara rambled about Speech and Debate and wallmakerrelict talked Dean/Cas and Alex ate his Pad Thai whilst surrounded by obsessive weirdos.  But then I learned that apparently Alex ships Dean/Cas too, but "not as much as you guys."  LOLOLOL

All in all, today was awesome.

wut r dis, so so gay, in which i attempt to date, anyone pay attention to these tags?, i talk a lot, i did a thing, my tags amuse me, wait what, pregnant hipster cousin, so tired i could die, lol i a crazy person, lol wut r these tags, portland

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