(no subject)

Mar 10, 2012 20:01

On a happier note...

I feel super special because I have now had conversations about the SuperWhoLock Big Bang in real life TWICE.  First was at LA Con where I met another author for it (hello xenoamorist ) and the second time was today when I met up with 'someone from the Internet dun dun dun' (hello   wallmakerrelict ).

Remember when I was all "lol fandom and real life are separate" lololol.  It's much funner to have someone say "and then Sherlock gets possessed by a demon" and have their response be...

...instead of...

And on the SuperWhoLock note, I'm at 7k words, much of which is still in outline form (OOPS).  I am obviously very busy in real life at the moment though so expect my progress to come to a grinding halt until I can get my shit sorted.

superwholock, anyone pay attention to these tags?, non-fic, i talk a lot, wtf, welcome to crazyville, wait what, i'm creepy sometimes, lol i a crazy person, lol wut r these tags

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