(no subject)

Mar 06, 2012 19:31

Up next was the Sebastian Roche and Mark Sheppard panel.

I actually got courageous and went up to ask Mark a question.  I unintentionally had a special moment with Beta Artemis again.  We were on separate sides of the auditorium but we went up to the mic at the same time.  She asked her question first.  It was directed towards Sebastian about a role he had on General Hospital, which caused Mark Sheppard to get up and go sit in the audience to let Seb ramble for a bit.

(lol yes that is Mark Sheppard in the audience)

Then it was my turn and I said “this question is actually for Mark” which caused Sebastian to go and sit in the audience.  IT WAS QUITE THE MOMENT.  I asked him what his favorite set to work on was besides Supernatural.  His answer was Doctor Who, which I suspected.  Who wouldn’t like to walk around the TARDIS?

Here's a picture of me freaking out at the mic like the fangirl that I am.  JESUS FUCK YOU GUYS I'M SUCH A FANGIRL IT HURTS JUST LOOK AT ME  (Photo courtesy of Rin)

Also, Sebastian is a dirty dirty man.  Somehow he got the name Cock Roche and then that name took off and he’ll forever be known as that by me.  Sebastian is a fucking amazing presence and I kinda regret not getting a photo op with him.  Hugging Seb would have been wonderful.

Here are some crappy pictures of them.  My camera was not made for long distant low light photos ugh.

Up next was the SUPER PANEL OF DOOM.  There were FOUR people in it: Richard Speight, Matt Cohen, Rick Worthy, and Rob Benedict.  As Richard put it, it seemed like they got the four people who would make the least sense together and decided to make a panel out of it.  But it was actually quite amazing!  Richard and Matt (SHIP IT!) walked through the audience and I got some amazing pictures of them.

Matt Cohen sat behind us for like 5 minutes.

Oh, and here's a picture of Matt Cohen watching Rick Worthy making out with a fan (sorry for the blur, but it all happened quite suddenly).

And Richard Speight Jr. being awesome

(lol artsy)


Also got lovely pictures of their butts.



Then there was a break and I quickly stuffed my face with food, freshened up, and headed to the Mark Sheppard and Misha Collins photo op.  I look like I’m about to scream in the picture and it’s kinda funny.  Sorry for the shitty image quality, but it's hard to take a picture of a picture on my phone so you'll just have to deal with this until I can properly scan them...

Then came the moment we’d been waiting for….  the MISHA COLLINS PANEL OMG!  It was amazing!  The crowd roared and then he just stared at us for the longest time without saying anything.  ALL HAIL THE KING OF TROLLS.  And as usual he made everyone who asked a question feel slightly embarrassed because lol MISHA TROLLINS.  I was too far back to get any good pictures, but I figured that was ok because I had two photo ops with him anyway so it wasn’t like I would have ZERO pictures of him.  And besides, the pictures I was getting would have ME in them as well so IT’S ALL GOOD.

Speaking of the other photo op: HOORAY!
AGAIN, this is a picture of a picture so DEAL WIT IT

Up next was Jim Beaver’s panel and, not gonna lie, it was kinda sad.  Not only has Bobby been killed off, which Jim is CLEARLY upset about, but it was also the anniversary of his wife’s death… It was the most depressing panel ever.  But there were sweet moments, like when he talked about his daughter and stuff.

And then there was the autograph session.  First I got Mark Sheppard’s.  I told him he’d always be Romo Lampkin to me since Battlestar Galactica was the first thing I saw him in.  He said “yes, I’m still Mr. President” and I said “always.”  It was awesome.  And then there was Misha and, well, there is no point in reiterating what happened.  Just check out my other post on the subject.  It was a VERY emotional experience.

Sunday morning we got to sleep in because we weren’t Gold Ticket holders so there wasn’t much to do.  Just after noon was the Richard Speight and Jim Beaver panel, which was such an odd pair together I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to go.  But Richard got into the audience again and it was amazing.  Richard is an excellent host and the cons wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without him.

Oh, I didn’t get any pictures of Jim during the panel, but here’s one of him signing his book.

Then there was the J2 panel.  It was awesome.  A lot of the questions were kind of awkward, but you can tell the boys are used to answering weird questions humorously, but still respectfully.  I was surprised by some of the answers to questions too, like when asked if Dean could go back in time and change something, what would he change Jensen replied that he wouldn’t go and live with Lisa and Ben.  WOW.  And he also “cleared up” the handprint mystery.  He said that when Cas healed Dean at the end of Swan Song when Cas healed him, he also healed the scar… but he said the real reason was that they “just forgot about it.”

The end of the J2 panel was the end of the convention for me.  Rin still had a photo op with Richard and there was one more panel with an actress that was in like one episode that we weren’t really interested in soooooo that was that.

All in all it was an amazing experience and Rin, Ceecee, and I have vowed to go gold at Vegas next year.  WHO’S WITH US?????

Convention Masterpost

misha collins, richard speight jr, rick worthy, mark sheppard, i hope misha never sees this, i hope misha does see this, lacon, jim beaver, sebastian roche, matt cohen

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