Fanfiction Rec Updates

Feb 10, 2012 23:39

I have updated my Good Omens fic rec list.  The fic was just TOO PERFECT and I am FILLED WITH CREY.

I also updated and reorganized my Sherlock fic rec list.  Check out the new things I've added!  It's...  all porn...  DERP

Sadly I haven't added anything to my Destiel rec list.  :(

In other news, my SuperWhoLock fic has 2k words already.  Most of it is in outline form though.  I'm excited about this.  :)

dean/castiel, crowley/aziraphale, recs, anyone pay attention to these tags?, i talk a lot, wait what, my tags amuse me, john/sherlock, lol wut r these tags

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