Why does
this make me very happy? Once again, Kakushiazi is amazing. Atobe looks like he's enjoying himself too much, and poor Sen...what have you gotten yourself into.
In other news, I'm waking up in 6 hours to leave to go home. Why am I still awake? I don't know. It's been like this since we got here. It's driving me crazy. I want to go home where I have hardly any sleeping issues...well, getting to sleep. I'm tired of the nightmares, tired of the headaches. I want my bed. I want my frog. I want my messy apartment.
Need to find out if Wiki has printer friendly versions for their articles. I've got a plot bunny...not just any plot bunny, oh no. This one is similar in size to the WereRabbit. It's now in my head and is cohabiting with the Victorian fic. This should be interesting. On one hand, you have Yuushi and Gakuto. On the other hand, you have Hiyoshi and Gakuto. I'm nuts...and I love it!
My body has decided to give me some Christmas presents. Yes, of course, Josh gave me his cold. My throat is killing me and my nose is stuffed up. Well, right now it isn't bad, so I should take advantage of it and try to sleep. The other is my period. I swear, isn't being on the pill supposed to make things regular instead of have the bloody (pun intended) thing start a week late? Fuck. So I wake up yesterday, and it's started. Fucking hell. Just what I need for the bus ride home tomorrow....today. Fuck. I need to go to sleep. I need to stop saying Fuck. I miss Kingston. I miss work (kill me please for saying that). I want my apartment. Soon precious...soon. Why do I suddenly feel like walking into my apartment and petting the walls?
Yeah, I'm going to sleep now. It's 1am. Kill me. Oh...maybe I"ll have a Super Junior dream again. That wasn't a nightmare. Oh no, that was happiness. But they weren't singing Happiness, they were singing Twins...or Knock Out, whatever the actual title of the song is. And I've had it in my head all day. .... I'm going now. NIGHT!