[ It's a transmission full of SCIENCE coming to you live from your Wonderland grounds! It features Bhamba positioned on one knee (behind a car-sized version of
this, yelling passionately window-wards. ]
Commander! Please accept this modest explosive device as a token of my appreciation!
[ Oh, but that is far from the end of it!
Shannon Beiste, although not personally addressed in the transmission, has received an almost equally romantic gift! A small robot (looking a little like a bizarrely futuristic saucer with a flamethrower on top) will follow her around all day and set fire to everything she attempts to eat, drink, touch or sit on.
And one certain Alex Kralie? Grey as their relationship may be, he is too good a back-up plan not to have his regular surveillance hornets secretly replaced with HD stereo hornets from which
this song blasts at remarkably full volume every ten minutes. ]