Marvel Comics and Other Random Stuff

Oct 13, 2010 14:07 I was working on my artwork for the Cap/Ironman Reverse Bang, I came across some articles from last weekends NYCC.  Since I only care about Ironman/Avengers//Spider-Man related stuff...I was curious what the famed creators had in store.  Apparently, Marvel had remembered that hey - Ironman is one of our flagship characters...we better do stuff with him that will make fans like him again....oh I know lets give him a son!  [spits out drink over keyboard]  And a grandaughter!  [Inoshi keels over]  So, yes...apparently for the #500 issue of Invincible Ironman, we get to see into the future and Tony will get to interact with his family.  Honestly, I'm wondering who the mother is considering Pepper can't have kids, and I guess the only other possibility would be Maria Hill at this point.  Then again...there is a chance he adopted, or he somehow got pregnant...XD  Steve, admit it, you knocked Tony up!  Am I interested?  Sure - why we've seen there are "multiple futures" so again with apparently all Marvel canon doesn't really matter.  Interesting to note that Spider-Man is going to show up in it.  [taps foot in thought]  If I understand this right...Tony and Peter are going back to that bond that they had before.  At least, that's what I imagine Marvel is trying to do...maybe.  I can't imagine why else Spidey would show up in Invincible Ironman.  Clearly marketing understands the power of a top tier characters teaming-up.

Something fun to note, Bendis admitted that the movies play a major influence on creators.  Specifically he mentioned how RDJ really impacted them, and I was shaking my head here.  Yeah, my theory about the Ironman movie saving Tony from character suicide by Marvel is pretty spot on.  I said it before and I'll say it again.....when push comes to shove you can bet that the marketing department has the final say on what comic writers write.  Every Tony we are seeing in current comic stories has a dash of RDJ, which isn't so bad for me considering I hopped on board with the movies...but I fear for long time fans, poor guys.

I also learned I should really stay away from the comic book forums.  I don't participate because's full of fanboys and fangirls who take comics WAAAAAY to seriously.  It reminded me of the Naruto Forums I used to frequent back in the day....and trust me it gets ugly.  I think I was glancing over the last comments on Avengers Prime #3 and the homophobia on there makes me laugh.  Seriously guys, one issue out of the billions out can't let us fangirls have one?  Let me remind you that manga, many titles full of potential slash aka shounen-ai/yaoi moments, sells quite nicely among both male AND female audience.  In otherwords, get over's something for females and even some guys to be happy about.

And boys...from a marketing standpoint...never underestimate the power of fangirls....just look at Twilight.  Now, everyone and their grandma is doing something with vampires. Granted I never read it, nor do I ever plan to read it just because honestly the female lead is all that interesting to me.  I am extremely picky with female characters, and I think a majority of them are written as love interests instead of strong characters....shame really.

Other news....[scratches head] I saw on the news the other day about 5 teen suicides because they were gay.  You know the saddest hear such homophobia in my own home...and not even once acknowledge the tragedy of the loss of life.  There is a certain family member who states "Am I prejudice, no...I just hate freaks."  I know he can tell I whole heartedly disagree with him.  I don't bother to say anything in rebuttal since it's a situation where you are arguing with a person who has been set in there ways for a very LONG, LONG time - if you catch my drift.  It certainly doesn't help that my mom's boss is gay, and to be quite frank - he can be a jerk.  Still common sense says being gay doesn't define a person as a jerk, nor does being straight signify that a person isn't one.  That should be a "no shit" statement, but obviously it really doesn't register with some people, and I am ashamed to say it doesn't register with certain people I know.

Wow, this post turned depressing...[sighs] Maybe it's just because tensions are high in this house.  The economy is...sucky...and not for the first time did I wish I had Tony's skills and business sense.  D8 I wish I had art commissions coming my way, but sadly I don't.  I'm wondering if I can sell prints of the Reverse Bang art I'm doing, but I'm not sure if anyone would by it.  Ahhhh... D8  Maybe if I draw naked Tony on a horse?

comics, marvel

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