Avengers vs. Xmen Finale! It's all over \0/

Oct 04, 2012 21:40

What, Marvel?

Yes that's right, I am actually talking about Marvel comics...or more precisely, a Marvel comic again.  Just sort of amazing considering I used to comment almost weekly on new releases/news/gossip and whatever else Marvel related (mostly Tony related) I managed to latch on to.  Now...this journal is pretty much dead and I pretty sure no one else reads my entries any more... [sad face]  but that's okay [thumbs up].

Anyways, before I actual get into this years summer event finale, I guess i should just come out and say I pretty much dropped every single Marvel comic I was reading ever since this event started.  Even though Invincible Iron Man was in no way tied to AvX, I decided to just roughly skim the story to see if Tony is still alive.  The truth of the matter is that I'm waiting for the new Marvel relaunch.

Marvel Now, from what hear, is when pretty much all the Avengers books and basically the Big Three will be getting new creative teams.  Bendis will be off of Avengers (both lines), and hopefully take Spider Woman with him, and Hickman will be taking up the mantel.  As much as I appreciate Bendis giving us many slashy moments between Steve and Tony...I've seen Hickman's work on SHIELD and loved that.  That's something, when you can read a comic, have no idea wtf is going on and STILL want to read it.  I'm hoping Hickman can bring to the Avengers the sense of teamwork that the book seemed to be lacking ever since the heroic age.  With that said...I have no clue if the Ultron story plot Bendis brought up will be dropped...or if I smell another event on the horizon.

One change up I am thrilled with is Gillen taking over IIM from Fraction.  All I can say is that book NEEDS a change of direction.  For any of you who read my heartfelt opinion about IIM the past year or two...well...I don't have to say how much I am glad Fraction's run is ending.  It's such a disappointment considering I liked the slow burn build up with Tony and Stark Resilient.  But, Tony's constant...failure and never seeming to get a solid win...for 3 + years straight.  Yep, I had enough.  It's one thing to have your character hit the bottom of the barrel, but then to break out a shovel is too much.  Reading IIM just wasn't fun, and was just so boring and drawn out.  Demon in a Bottle 2.0 was stupid...and useless.  Tony deserved better...especially since the movie just propelled the Avengers into a whole new ball game.

Speaking of Avengers...it's time to take a look at the event that shook the MU this summer.  Taking a glance at what I wrote for the mid-event glance...I see I just rambled into a protective-Tony!fan rant and never even really talked about the event.  Ha...that should tell you right there what I thought of Avengers vs, X-men and low expectations.  Let's see...[thinks] I think my very first prediction for this story was based purely on how the Avengers did in the box office....if the movie flopped then the Avengers would be decimated, but if it was good then the Avengers would dominate.  Well, ranking the 3rd largest grossing movie world wide really must have floored Marvel because by the ending of the 3rd arc anyone associating with the Phoenix 5 were insane and the "good" X-men were running to the Avengers.  The ambiguity of the event evaporated and it was clear cut Avengers were right and all the X-men fanboys and girls cried at the pain of it all.

Reading this story line was hard...mostly because if you didn't tackle the tie-ins I guarantee you'll be lost.  This is the first Marvel event where I just stuck with the main book (save for a few Avengers issues) and all I can say is that it's like you're skimming the story.  Seriously you'll read something then the next instant something else is happening and you ave no idea how you got there...just an overall basic idea that now the characters are doing this because of some fight somewhere else.  Think skipping stones across a pond and you'll get the idea.  N E ways...basically in the end, my main concern was Tony.

Why?  Well besides being my fav character...I was overall just afraid what this event would do to him.  See, if you've been keeping track with Marvel's treatment of Stark...you'll notice a distinct pattern of character abuse during these events.  It was a weird phenomenon where no matter what, Tony would somehow get one of the worst outcomes of any of the characters involved.  This really became apparent when by the end of Fear Itself...Tony was the only one who suffered lasting repercussions (and technically still is) for an event designed to test Steve and Thor.  That was messed up...  Even more messed up was how Tony somehow got blamed for most of these events...and became Marvel's scapegoat.

I am happy to say that streak ended with this event.  FINALLY!  [throws confetti]

That's not to say Tony didn't have it rough.  When AvX was first announced, I was going to pass on it.  I really didn't care what went on with the Xmen or the Phoenix, and I was actually happy to see Steve, ever since he became top cop of the world, for once get placed in a position where he is responsible for whatever happens.  Then Marvel advertised the "generals" of the Avengers which were supposed to be Cap and Luke Cage...so yeah...I figured Tony was taking a back seat.  HA!  Luke Cage did absolutely nothing...honestly in the grand scheme of things...he was useless.  Steve's second in command (which comes to no surprise) was Tony.  In fact, that's what made me a little nervous.

Once again, Tony came front and center in an event that really shouldn't have anything to do with him.  Maybe it should come of no surprise to me any more.  Depending on how the IM3 goes...if it's successful...I have no doubt Tony will edge his way right up to the top as one of Marvel's cash juggernauts...one step behind Spidey.  Anyways, so yeah...Tony center stage with interviews coming out about how the editor in Chief Axel was excited with what happens with Tony.  Take a minute to soak that in.  Out of this WHOLE event...with all the stuff and chaos going on...the thing that sets the EIC pumping with excitement is what happens with Tony?  Yeah...as you can imagine the chill racing down Tony!fans back...omg they're going to kill him!

So it began...Tony acting as Steve's second...thankfully most fanboys focusing on Steve's decisions and OOC-ness and illogic.  [stares]  I'm not even going to touch that...been harping on that since the start of heroic age.  Then Tony is somehow once again super scientist...which just stop right there.  I have no doubt that Tony is smart, and I bet if he really wanted to, Tony can understand anything if he's interested.  But last event Tony was in charge of making mystical enchanted weapons blessed by Odin...this event he builds a super gun thing to destroy a flaming cosmic fire bird.  The only reason I'm not pitching a fit is because Tony pretty much admits he has no f-ing clue as to what he's doing.

Cue Phoenix five somehow being all Tony's fault [stares again] and fanboys raging against Tony.  Yeah, at that moment I pitched a fit because...WHAT?!  How is it that no other scientist bothered to even throw out any other ideas when Tony was building the gun thing?  If I recall...Pym helped Stark build it and just [censor censor censor]!!!  Then somehow Black Panther b*tched slapped Tony [eyebrows twitch] but I suppose he talked Tony out of suicidal thoughts...even though Tony only ever does that to SAVE his friends not just to run away...(f*cking Fraction's writing).  Well I guess karma is a biyotch because Panther's high and mighty act through out the event comes crashing down when Wakanda gets obliterated.

More stuff happens...Hope gets training from Spider-Man (not surprised since he had a movie out)...got trained by Iron Fist...and whatever else in mystical city.  The kicker out of all of this...is that during this time, Tony starts to believe the key to stopping the the Phoenix 5...and mainly Scott Summers is Hope...and Wanda.  Re-reading Avengers vs X-men #12 Tony tells the Avengers that he and the other scientist have no answer for Dark Phoenix!Scott.  With no other alternative...Tony pretty much tells the team he has a plan...to trust in Wanda and Hope and have faith.

As you can imagine...the Avengers are going holy f*ck...that's the plan?!  XD lol...even Cap went...and what are they supposed to do?  Tony had no clue...hopefully they knew.  Okay, what amused me is that apparently Steve and Tony switched roles.  Usually Steve believes in people while Tony needs a solid plan with all the facts.  This bit of character development made me happy...and actually ties into the theme of Gillen's future run in IIM.  I can see why Tony wants to explore now.  \0/ hopefully it'll be awesome.

By the end of the day, the world is saved by Hope and together with Wanda they say "No More Phoenix" and boom X-gene restarted.  Later Iron Fist questions if Tony knew if that would happen all along...and Tony replies he just didn't know and once again just went on faith.  Part of me can't help but wonder if the writers were trying to reflect movie!Tony...in the film, Tony believed that Bruce Banner could be more than just a monster...that ultimately the Hulk could be used for good.  To me, the end of this event sort of launches off that...I mean it is eerily similar no?

N E ways...thus the event ends and we slowly edge into Marvel NOW.  Personally...I'm glad I got into another fandom during this, or it would have just been painful to go through this.  Having the comic bi-weekly helped with pacing, but honestly I think it dragged in places, used the tie-ins too much, was spotty in plot and overall common sense....but hey Tony came out a hero and unscathed [thumbs up]

tony stark, comics, marvel

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