's been awhile since I did constructive criticism...and boy did I tear into this author's fic.
In fanfics, I usually let a lot of things slide and more than often if I find myself shuddering at certain aspects of a fic, I either stop reading or just move on. Rarely do I take the time to comment on said fic unless something irked me the extreme and there was no warning. So let me spell it out for you matter how the f*ck you spin it...cheating on your significant other is never okay. Sorry, for me...cheating is one of my triggers. It pisses me off to the extreme when a fanfic has a character cheat and it's brushed aside without ramifications....or a decent explanation.
In the Marvel fandom, the hand waving of why a character would cheat better be due to sex pollen, mating instincts, magic or whatever....BUT there better be satisfying consequences. I don't care if the character happens to be Tony Stark...I will pitch the guy into a cavern if it's not dealt with properly. God help you if it was Tony being cheated ON...because here comes protective Tony-fan! This one fic I just read was placed in omegaverse, and I kid you not...somehow Tony was cheated ON by Steve with Bruce even though Tony and Steve were BONDED...and SOMEHOW the story spun itself that it was okay and Bruce had a right to be with Steve...and Steve just excepted it! And then it tried to make Tony look like the bad guy...the F*CKERY IS THIS?
Oh hell no...I despise these type of fanfics. Pisses me off to high heaven...and I swear if you read between the lines...if I were Tony...I'd have pitched Bruce off Avengers tower, and then make Steve work for forgiveness. It's totally bad when Steve gets pregnant by Bruce's...and yeah...let me just list this as BAD fanfiction.
Anyways...I left a comment for the author being as diplomatic as I possibly could, but depending on how she may react I either expect a defensive reply...or not. I was nice...but I pointed out her character development flaws which I think are true. You can't have Steve and Tony be in a relationship for 3 years then its suddenly okay to sleep with someone else...heat or no heat....
Hillariously enough I got a defensive reply 5 months later. It's laughable how the author tries to defend Steve's action by stating it's not his's instinct and how it's not okay to be pissed at Steve, and essentially how I should somehow feel sorry for Steve because Tony was being "abusive" to him. BULLSHIT. No, no no...I don't care how you wrote the story that Steve turned into a trembling maiden and forgot how the fuck to fight back. I'm just going to throw out the OOC-ness card of doom because this is badly written. I won't even approach the flaws of the way the author wrote the characters in such a way as to excuse it as "animal instinct"...but let's just stick to Steve.
Steve Rogers is not someone to stand idly by about anything. He does not back down from a fight, nor is he helpless, weak or passive enough to let others decide things about his life. This author knows nothing about the character or even attempts to understand his basic core that makes him who he is. Trying to write Steve as some passive, scared omega and pass it off as being justified in the fic-verse is essentially the reason WHY fanfic gets such a bad rep. This it's core...the base of bad fanfiction....OOCness and using the character name and nothing else.
Clearly I expected too much of the author to grasp that...but what did I expect? I knew the fic was bad and commented