AvX Middle Event glance

Jul 04, 2012 09:53

[reads Avx #7]

Honestly...I am somewhat shocked that I can spot Fraction's writing just by how horrible Tony is written.  Good GOD Fraction...at this point, I want to know WTF is your problem with Tony Stark?  No, seriously...this is like the grudge match writing from HELL!  Are you butt hurt over how successful he is as a character and your being thrown off his solo because somehow even with that you fail to sell his book?  Or did you have a nightmare that (edited because it was childish)?  Is this what Axel Alanso was excited about?  Tony coming across as pathetic?  Tony getting the heat for creating the P5?  Tony getting b*tched slapped by T'Challa because Tony is thinking of killing himself to save his friends.  AND that's an important note you dumbass...Tony does sacrificing his life to save his friends...not to just run away...you jackass!

I am thanking GOD you are going to be off his solo sometime soon because I hope you NEVER write Iron Man ever again!  I am so fed up with you Fraction!  Your portrayal of Tony is pathetic and has been constant destruction...just do us all a favor and get over yourself. I can't believe you were the writer of the first comic I ever bought!  I wish I could go back in time and BURN the piece of crap before I ever had the chance to buy it....but nooooo...stupid me in thinking you'd write a decent Tony Stark.

[deep breath]

When is Gillen coming aboard Invincible Iron Man?  I am hoping that he doesn't continue Fraction's trend...or honestly...please Gillen I beg of you...make Tony the hero he's supposed to be.  Also...please let this be the LAST book of this event Fraction writes.  I want Brubaker...he actually understood Tony!  He understands Cap!  There is only 5 more issues to go...no more Fraction....

tony stark, comics, marvel

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