Avengers Assemble! Parties, Comic Round up, Cartoons, and more <3

Mar 30, 2012 20:45

Well this is going to be a somewhat informal round-up...mostly because I'm centering on the Avengers this time.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of the Marvel comic world, lets head over to the television realm and squee gleefully that Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes Season 2 is premiering April 1 - this Sunday!  YA-HA!  [throws confetti]  And with that in mind...we actually officially launch the start of Avengers Month!  [sounds trumpets]  What is this Avengers month that I am talking about?  Well [grins] for you lucky few that actually follow my journal you get to tag along celebrating the count down to the Avengers movie premier on May 4th.  If you take notice, there happens to be 5 movies that essentially lead up to the main movie...and that's exactly how many weekends (including this upcoming one) there are until the big event!

Now, obviously...if you are one of the lucky few that managed to snag a Avengers Marathon ticket from AMC....or are in a country where Avengers either premiers on April 26-27 (you lucky !@#%$)...then of course this celebration is going to be a little off...sorry [shrugs]  But [grins] feel free to tag along and comment or just silently shake your head as you watch me squee from excitement and geekery.

So then you may be asking: "So this Avengers celebration is what...just watching a movie each weekend...and that's it?"  
(>_>)'  Well in essence, yes.  I was going to be all inspiring and post party food/decor/etc. ideas but...meh.  All you need to do is make some yummy food and connect it to an Avenger somehow by printing lables.  For instance...anything green can be associated with the Hulk, so break out the food coloring or veggies.  How about Clint's "Hawkeye Honey BBQ wings"..or hotwings.  Tony's mini cheeseburgers (since it's the first thing he wanted to eat after being kidnapped).  Steve's mini apple pies...all american.  Natasha's...er....quick frost some chocolate cupcakes and draw a black widow sign on it!  Thor...well we know he like coffee so make some of that....can also count for Tony.  Probably any type of meat/dish that harkens back to a Renascence fair might cover Thor...or go fanon with poptarts.  You can also add strawberries to something since Tony tried to give some to Pepper in IM2.  So see, be creative.

Let's edge away from the movies and look at the cartoons.  As I said before, this weekend is the premier of Avengers EMHs Season 2.  It's also the premier of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, which still counts as Avengers news since Spidey is on the New Avengers and the cartoon I think takes place in the same universe as EMHs...or at least something similar to movie!verse.

It's established that Peter is their kid, right?  
LOL....Marvel you make things too easy to ship sometimes ♥

So it's going to be fun to see where they are going to take both cartoons - and hope the movie is just as good.  Also, if you missed it...Wednesday's Iron Man Armored Adventures was a good one.  I almost thought Tony was in an alternate universe, but....not so much.  However, thanks to the experience in the virtual reality...it's now canon that Tony's best friend when he was a little kid was a talking robot that his dad built.  Which makes THAT picture by ironfries hurt a little more... :( Tooooooony!  [clings]  But you know...on the upside, in IM:AA Tony actually has a GOOD father....who is alive.  Another thing in this ep. is that Pepper claims to have seen Thor at the mall eating a meatball sub......once again expanding the universe to say that Thor is already established somewhere in that universe.  Did I mention how much I love this verse?  Last weeks eps with Jean Gray...next week Iron Man 2099...yeah you heard right.  Tony's grandson Andros is supposed to show up - lawl.  I honestly don't take future children/grandchildren seriously because this guy was supposedly in 616's continuity too but [shrugs] the way I understand it....it's a possible future so....yeah.

Tony also teams up with Hawkeye and Widow again.  Fun little tidbit to look forward to...Spidey gets mentioned in passing next ep.  Yup, even more universe expansion...which roughly puts Tony in the same age range...if not just two years older.  O_O  lol, I swear if only teen!Tony was written like this in the comics [shakes head] Tony might have had a second childhood....though that' be awkward for him and Steve fore sure :3

[rubs hands together]
It's finally time for the comic round up!
Last round up, I said that both the Avengers and New Avengers would be wrapping up last month...I was wrong...it apparently was this month and I decided I needed to wait till New Avengers #23 was released to comment about it.  With this weeks release, we get the conclusion to the whole Dark Avengers saga which all in all...was somewhat lack luster for the Avengers but not to shabby for the New.  Seeing as how we already knew the outcome of everything thanks to Avengers #24 coming out at the beginning of the month...that sort of killed this weeks NA issue.....so if you can NA #23 before A #24.  Got it?  Good.

So what happened?  Well, bottom line...Skaar was always a double agent working for Steve.  Oddly enough, I don't think we ever found out who the "mole" was in the New Avengers...my guess it was Jessica Cage since by the end of this issue, both she and the baby have yet to be seen....and Luke missed the final battle trying to find them.  I love how Shaar asks Steve what they were going to do with the Dark Avengers.  Steve says prison...Skaar not liking the answer is like..."give me a hammer and five minutes." Lawl...

Back to the Avengers issue...after escaping captivity thanks to Quake in #23 and Tony being pissed at the SHIELD traitor Agent Washington and pretty much letting Rulk threaten to eat her....they get surrounded by ninjas and Osborn who has adaptoid powers.  In #24, we see Osborn Hulk out because of Rulk (much to Tony's annoyance), but Storm manages to Tornado him away while they all try to fight the ninjas.  Tony having enough, obliterates all of them in one go...proving yet again we get more action from the new armor in Avengers than IIM - way to go Fraction.  In the end, Tony tries the old trick when dealing with this type of enemy to letting them absorb all their powers at once to overload Osborn.  First time doesn't work...oh !@#$.  But then Steve and the New Avengers come to the rescue and add to it and BOOM goes Osborn, melting somewhat and falls into a coma.

Later, Steve is talking to the president and is ordered to make nice with the sheeple of the MU.  Steve doesn't exactly like it...but we all know Tony will probably handle the PR like he always does.....providing he' still there considering all things that are supposed to happen to him.  He wasn't in Avengers #24.1 or Avenging Spider-Man #5 which makes me somewhat worried...but we shall see.  In the end, it turns out Hydra knew Osborn would fail but now are happy with the resources he provided...namely the means to a super-powered army...oh noes!

Speaking of Avengers #24.1 - this pretty much leads off to Marvel's summer event, Avengers vs. Xmen!  I think I may have spoke briefly about it last round-up...but I honestly can't remember what I said.  I did say that I was keeping my expectations low...which is still true.  If anything, I don't know as much about this event as I did about Fear Itself.  I think Steve may have been replaced with Ultimate Steve again, but really I'm not sure...at least it's not directed at Tony. :)

Anyways, back on topic...#24.1 is sort of Vision coming to terms with the situation of what happened in Disassembled.  One should note that this issue should be read before AvsX #0.  I have no connection with the X-men side of the event...and have no feelings for Hope or her fate (as of right now).  Even with the zero issue pretty much getting my feet wet with her character [shrugs] I hope the comic can portray a coherent story.  We all know that both sides won't act rationally because in the end, just like Civil War, someone needs to be punching someone.

As to who will be in the right.  [peers]  Heh...honestly, it all depends on the Avengers movie.  Yeah, wave all the doubt flags you want...but it's all about marketing baby.  The only reason why the Xmen were probably brought front and center again was because of the turn out of Xmen First Class.  To be frank, if the Avengers movie ranges from luke warm to downright bombing...then I predict this event to shine in the Xmen's favor...since the sequel to first class will be in the works.  Theoretically, Tony should pull out a little better from this event than he did in F.I. simply because Iron Man 3 will be next in the line up in 2013.  But we shall see...Fraction is after all on board this event, so who knows what he'll do to Tony.  But there is something interesting I want to address that I actually completely forgot about.

I was looking back on old entries, somewhat laughing at my theories that failed hard when I actually remembered a somewhat important event that I completely forgot about.  We've been so busy with the recent events and glancing towars the speculative Ultron future or Mandarin future....anyone remember Steve's vision?  War of the World robot things - ring a bell?  I completely forgot about that particular threat...is that still viable?  I haven't been really reading Steve's comic...just looked in because Tony was in there trying to fix Steve...and Tony fanboyed over Steve.  Steve lost his SSS again....seriously Brubaker...again...you did that in how many issues/minis ago?  But Sharon somehow found the cure so next issue will see Steve back to normal.  It's interesting/nice to see Steve going to Tony for this problem...when ideally he maybe should call Hank Pym or Hank McCoy since this may be more their field...but hey any Steve/Tony moments...I take with happiness.

Er where was I?  Steve's vision...just something to remember I think.  I'm pretty sure there is a summer event in there somewhere.  I think possibly next Summer is Ultron...maybe...someone check the cave timeline.  Did I mention I wanna see Steve against over Tony quitting?

tony stark, cartoons, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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