Black Friday is nuts...and other stuff

Nov 25, 2011 01:37

[crawls in] Wow...this is the first time I ever did "Black Friday" to the point of almost being trampled on.  Dang, if that's what the stupid thing really is about then I rather wait till Cyber Monday OR just wait for something better.  [shakes head]  Oddly enough...I wasn't even the one shopping, but hey...I always firmly believe you should never go alone to these things.  Apparently I'm not super aggressive enough to get what I want though....ah yes...all that hassle and we didn't get what we came for.  There was a jack ass that decided to block the way to the kinect games (kinect games for $15 @ walmart) and take it upon himself to decided who should get what and of course get extra copies for himself.  Didn't help that the guy was 6 foot something...and here I am 5 foot 2 [sigh]...should have ducked between his legs - lawl.  But anyways, yeah...complete jackass and wasn't fair for the rest of us who were trying to get at least one game.  Honestly, I hope karma kicks his ass [growls]  But for every jerk, there is a nice person.  I did grab some blu-rays on the cheap...even one I REALLY wanted because I actually asked "Hey, does anyone see Sherlock Holmes over there?"  And a guy looked and handed me one of the last copies and I thanked him or his kindness.  This guy...I hope karma gives him warm hugs.

Anyways, I know I wanted to do my usual comic round-up and just other things in general.  However, even though I finished my deadlines a week earlier, they suddenly rushed ordered another commission, so my week off got canceled and pushed back.  Don't even ask me about the fic exchange [cries in corner] It's due the 18th and I haven't even started...thank GOD for the 1000 word minimum [grins]  But I am planning to get it down within the next week or so...I hope.  Providing work is not evil.  Funny thing is, I find myself drifting towards the Merlin fandom again.  Though...I found season 4 kind of so-so so far...apparently there was approval for season 5 so, that's good.

Edit: shopping is loads better


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