That's it...kink memes suck...

Nov 03, 2011 00:30

I am declaring I hate kink prompts...or more precisely I hate reading kink prompts.  Why?  Because they never seemed to be freaking finished [angsts in corner]  Sure there are finished ones...and even some very well written ones....[sideways glance]  But all the long, interesting ones (in my opinion) have the anon!author drop off the face of the earth or something...I swear after the 9th time it gets a bit painful.

Steve: Aren't you over reacting?
Inoshi: The hell...where's Tony?
Steve:  He thought I should field this one...for some reason.
Inoshi: Seriously, you are going to be my muse-consultant about kink memes?
Steve: I'm not quite sure what they are, but I do know it's about creative expression and helping "fans" explore new ideas.  That's what Tony told me anyways.
Inoshi: .......... [snort]  Well, I supposed you can say that.  Nicest way I ever heard it described as....
Steve: Anyways, Inoshi, if you want to see a "complete" "fill" that the right term?  Tony gave me note cards.
Inoshi:  You're doing great Steve...
Steve:  Um, yes, then why don't you write something?  It'll prove more productive then complaining.
Inoshi: Ooooh but, Steve, I did!  Or should I say...I have.  Though I didn't fill another since then...
Steve:  [grins] So there you go!  Why don't you try to "fill" another "prompt"
Inoshi: [smirks]  You really think I should?
Steve: [shrugs] Whatever makes you happy, I suppose?  As long as it doesn't encroach on another person's personal rights.
Inoshi: [grinning wildly now] 8D But I have your explicit permission to go fill these prompts - you encourage me to do so!
Steve:  ...yes? [looks slightly worried]
Inoshi:  Tell Tony I love him forever and always.  YOU HEARD RIGHT FOLKS.  I got Captain America's permission to write hot [censor censor censor] PORN about him and Ironman!  XDDDDDDDDD My life is complete!
Steve: Wait, what?! D8

[flails] I have been inspired!!!!!!  LOLOLOL...but seriously, I beseech you...if you are an author!anon and have an unfinished post - please...finish it.  Then post it to LJ/AO3/DW/CapIronman Comm or somewhere so we can all read it.  But in the meantime...heck yeah!  BDMS AU for Tony/Steve!  

rant, steve/tony, steve rogers

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