Comic round-up, movie news and whatever else!

Aug 22, 2011 22:22

Whoo and we are once again talking about Marvel comics [victory sign] So here we go with a quick run down....there will be spoilers so be warned!

Starting off, let's head over to 1610 with the conclusion of Ultimate Fallout #6.

Hey we actually get back on topic with Peter's death and its effect on surrounding characters.  BTW, if you were living under a rock, ult-Spidey is dead, and his replacement Miles Morales is on the way.  Meanwhile, Johnny Storm, Bobby and Kitty have decided to go underground and live ninja-turtles style.  Apparently this place is somethign major because the peeps at CBR forums are all a buzz about "knowing" this place and what have you.  I, for one, have no clue what is significant about said under-ground base..soo if you know enlighten me.  On the otherside of the emotional scale...Aunt May and Gwen have decided to move to France curtesy of Tony Stark who also gave them his personal villa.  [stares] LOL...oh Tony, no matter what universe you always casually give away your home huh.  Can I have a new car?  What do you mean you're not real?  Lawl...

Anyways aside from that, Mary-Jane is writing an article basically blaming the world on how it killed Spider-man...more specifically Nick Fury.  But then, surprise - Nick Fury walks right into her room!  And holy pancakes...he cares about Peter?  The guy actually breaks into tears!  Part of my pessemistic side arises when dealing with 1610 wondering if Fury isn't just manipulating Mary-Jane...but he claims he knew Peter since he was a baby.  To be honest, I actually forgot Peter's ult-parents were SHIELD scientist beforehand.  Fury goes on to state that he was grooming Peter, but he pretty much failed and said Peter's death was all his fault.  Oh...and Captain America quit.

Gotta say, I was surprised by this issue. I did not see Steve quitting or Fury crying that's for sure...but it was nice to see the ramifications of Petey's death effect people outside of his inner circle.  I know Steve's self-imposed leave of absence won't last...considering the solicits for the next few months, but I am hoping that this somehow makes 1610!Steve less of an asshole.  Face it, Steve's main problem is the fact he can't seperate soldier from hero.  Now I am not saying soldiers can't be heroes or that Steve is a mindless grunt...but Mr. WWII "This A on my head does not stand for France" super-soldier is not the type of hero the Ultimate Universe needs.  1610 needs heroes more like Peter Parker, someone who cares and has the heart and strength to be a better person.  Steve has the portential to be like his 616 counter-part, there are a few examples of his kindness here and there...but Cap needs to be more then what he currently is.

I still stand by my stance that when most people write 1610!Steve in fandom, they borrow heavily from 616!Steve....a lot.

Up next we go back to 616 and look at the Fear Itself tie-in Avengers #16

What can I say about this issue?  Not much really.  Surprisingly the only character I really liked was Maria Hill - lol.  She cracked me up with he rinterview segment, and I agree with her logic.  If a place is full of bad-guys why can't you blow the place up with an airstrike before you go on?  Oh well, Steve is on a personal vendetta...though it was a bit pointless no?  I mean...okay this I give Steve's action a pass on because dang Bendis, how in the world is this even logical?  Where is Sin?  Erm...isn't she attacking the Capitol with Nazi-mechs?  LOL, oh well...I mean it's Bendis after all.  As much as I like him giving us plentiful Steve/Tony moments....the guy really has a hard time writing characters that sound like themselves.  Seriously, one guy actually switched all the character panels with the word bubbles of one page and you can't tell the difference.

Um, other points...yeah for Steve using the shield like a skateboard?  Though I think you ripped off Legolas from LOTR:The Two Towers...he did the whole skatboard-shield thing at Helms Deep first.  Oh and not useless Sharon...sort of.  That's about poor Steve?  Don't worry..I'm sure Bucky will be back again someday.

Invincible Ironman #507

Of course something/someone is trying to kill Tony...silly me in thinking Tony would catch a break since we already have Demon in Bottle 2.0.  I read a comment on CBR forum not to long ago about how "Fraction's love for Pepper is apparent in this issue."  Another comment went on to say "Yeah, Pepper is really kicking some butt, I remember when Tony used to do that."  Ah, how true that is my fellow Ironman lovers...ever since the start of the Resiliant arc...Tony has been owned left and right.  We have no clue what the heck the new armor is capable of, and despite it looking awesome, Tony is apparently being trounced by villians he was easily whipping in his old-school armors.

To add even more salt, judging from Fear Itself #7.2 Tony is still in for a world of hurt and "must face the consequences of his actions from Fear Itself" plus the percieved Ultron War and Mandarin future.  Simply put, Tony is Marvel's punching bag for the next year or so.  Why?  Good question....why the hell is Marvel doing this?  My honest belief, because it's Marvel's way of punishing Tony for everything that was Civil War.  Ironman was not in a good place after that event.  Built up to be a bi-polar villian thanks to shoddy editting and "creative direction", Tony was no doubt the most hated Marvel hero ever...and I stress the word hero here since Marvel apparently forgot.  No matter what the editors in chief may tell you, it was the Ironman movie that really made them pull the breaks on completely villifying Tony.

In the end, Marvel is a business...and you do not destroy your cash-cow.  RDJ saved Ironman from character annihilation, but apparently he also transformed him to current Tony.  I will give Fraction this...he was given a tough possition with Tony.  He now had to undo everything everyone else did to the character...enter brain!delete.  It's the quickest way to reset Tony...maybe not the best way, but honestly factoring everything Tony was "accused of/alluded to" doing during Civil War...yeah....not easy at all.  I mean when everyone says "Tony has to be a skrull" during Secret know it's bad.  Anyways, despite brain!delete, despite carrying the guilt, despite apologizing (sorta) wanted Tony to suffer.  So here we go...

I have not seen those fans brandish thier torches in awhile.  Ever since Doc has been strangly quiet for the Tony hate.  Instead, all eyes are turning to Steve and wondering wtf is he's doing with Fear itself.  Of course, Steve get's a pass since it's Steve...still [shrugs]  When Demon in a Bottle 2.0 started...yeah those fans and all thier hate seemed to have just sizzled into nothing.  This is Tony at his lowest...not even during Civil War was he brought down by such personal defeat (Steve's death aside).  What's gets worse for the guy.

I was always amused that Fear Itself was supposed to focus foremost on Thor and Steve.  Tony was supposed to be a background player this time around...but that didn't happen at all.  According to an interview with Fraction and Brubaker...the point series after Fear Itself 7.1, .2, .3 are in order of importance.  Steve is number one because of Bucky's death...and Tony is number two.  [chuckles] Screw you Thor....even though it's your event, you come after sad.  Looking at #7.2 supposedly Tony is going to have it out with Odin.  Why?  I dunno, but I guess Odin gets pissed off enough that he reveals "Tony's secret" to the world.  [tilts head] My guess would be the whole drinking thing since Tony has to face the press in his own book after that.  I think what's bugging me is War Machine and Ironman are duking it out on a variant cover, which does harken back to days of old if IRC.  Still....why can't Tony's friends just be there for him instead of smacking him around?  D8 Tony you are in a abusive relationship!

But seriously all speculation aside, if I had to really guess why Tony is truely going through this's the movies.  In movie-verse, Tony drinks and is just learning what it means to be a hero.  Same goes for movie-verse Bucky is dead.  Heck in EMHS Bucky is dead (maybe)...I have no idea why they are temporarily replacing Thor, but yeah...Marvel says they never do a HARD reset, but it doesn't mean they never press the back buttion.

Okay moving forward let's look at Ironman Iron Age #3

Tony lost.  Damn...maybe you are right fictivore Iron Age somehow takes place before Fear Itself and the stress of everything had Tony lose it.  If you look at the previews for this weeks Iron Age: Omega you'll see a very wibbly Tony.  Come to think of it...why is Tony the only character I ever see in the MU naked or mostly naked on a regular basis?  Think about it...who else had to somehow fight naked with a dark black shadow across the front or some skimpy cloth as many times as we've seen Tony have?  Off the top of my head, I remember the time with Illuminati being captured by skrulls, the time in new avengers, avengers prime...I guess you can count when Ultron made Tony a clothes there I think...and of course the red thong reveal.  N E Ways...

Sucks to be Tony, but at least in this mini he seems to act liek Tony.  The poor guy is stranded in the past and he's been living in isolation, and [sniffs] at least he never gives up...  The one thing I truly love about Tony is his tenacity.  I can't wait to see how the omega issue concludes <3

Moving away from comics, we enter the movie verse!

So, Marvel is being painful about releasing any exclusive content outside of comic conventions or the D23 expo.  You lucky !@#$s that actually got to see movie content while the rest of us are salivating for a bootleg copy.  Scrounging up as much info as I can find on the net here is what we have so far:
1.) Loki is the main vilian and is building an army of aliens...rumored to be the order to take over the earth
2.) The cosmic cube is made in Asgard
3.) Hawkeye (Ultimate version) and Black Widow are is to hoping they use the EMHS model more so then 1610
4.) Filming will be completed within the next few weeks.
5.) Lots of battles and explosions as one can see from youtube clips

That's about it...and as you know...anything can change from here all the way to May we'll have to see.

The one hiliarious thing I find is not about the movies, but about the fandom.  Tony is so the bicycle of the Avengers he's even getting it on with the villians.  I was browsing through DA and observing some Tony art and what did I run across but a plethora of Tony/Loki!  Movie version judging from the style, but I sort of was floored.  Then I saw the Tony/Jarvis(A.I. in humanoid body) at which point I went....omg, I want to see the Avengers movie...imagine the Steve/Tony!

I mean I forsaw the Thor/Loki...especially with how um, intense the scene is between Loki and Thor., you amuse me so!  If Tony and Steve interact the way I want them to our Cap/Ironman community will see even more activity!

movies, tony stark, steve/tony, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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