Ironman #500.1 - plus Immortal Steve?

Feb 03, 2011 12:21

So we've come to the point issue - a place where new readers are supposed to jump on coming straight off the movie so they can understand things.  [sideways glance] I say it was successful until it went beyond the basic movie point because I can tell you if I didn't understand half the continuity it was implying through the issue I would be lost.   ( Read more... )

tony stark, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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fictivore February 4 2011, 04:41:51 UTC
AAH! I don't know what to think!!! On one hand it's sort of nice to have almost everything I thought about Tony and where he came from (the drinking, the women, all of it) to be proven true. BUT on the other hand, I don't *want* it to be true!! I like angst but I like it in my fandom! I mean, I was, extrapolating and guessing what could lead to so-and-so characterization and *this* was basically my worst (best?) case scenario. Like 'I think this is what could have happened but I don't actually want it to be true'? AAAH! (Very very mixed bag.)

Then there was the fact that I personally have a rather huge embarrassment squick, so the thought of Tony confessing all this even to an AA meeting (because let's face it, how many people there would have NOT recognized Tony F*CKING Stark!?) makes me really deeply embarrassed. I get the the framing device is really genius (and I wouldn't mind it at ALL if the confessee had a better chance of actually being anonymous) but I would have preferred this to be a sort of video-diary-entry or something? Or Tony to be in a mild disguise? 0_o (But that is really just me... And the end gut-punching scene wouldn't have worked for a diary or whatever...)

And I'm glad that Fraction has read canon. I think it might be a recent development, so my hopes for a better tomorrow have been re-kindled BIG time. Oh, well... I'm probably going to end up disappointed again, anyway... But I have to hope....

Agree with you a thousand times on Tony's friends. I mean, they are going above the call of their duty if you think of them only as Tony' secretary/driver/company pilot. But they are really really shitty friends. Only actually friends when it is convenient to them. Volume 3 has a couple of places where Happy and Pepper really prove to be good friends and don't abandon him (Tony gets through those crises best) but there are rather more instances of them just not caring or actively making things worse too... And wow, I have no sympathy with Pepper on this one. But you already knew that.

Personally I LOVED that Henry was the one to come to Tony, at least someone cared! (I think that might have had a lot to do with Tony's motivations to go to AA.) Also, sort of like the sexually active at 15 thing, but not the fact that now the loss of virginity was no longer at MIT or with Sunset Bain (wow, that would have been even creepier- 15-yr-old boy and 21-yr-old woman D:). Or that Tony no longer went to boarding school?

Pretty much confirmed my thought about Maria, though...


fictivore February 4 2011, 04:49:30 UTC
Oh! And if you want to find a good starting place for Tony, my advice is start with Volume 3? Volume 2 is all Hero Reborn and while good for characterization purposes (as in a very valid AU) the art makes you want to spork your eyes out. Volume 3 picks up just after the return from Reborn so it's a new start (the Stark Solutions thing). The art is pretty (nothing special, but mostly consistently good). And Tony is at his emotional best. Plus we have Sunset Bain, Rumiko, Tiberius and Living Armor all in this arc...

Volume 1 might be better handled on an arc basis (that's what I'm doing, atleast). So maybe read all the classic story-lines first? The Demon In A Bottle, The Stane Arc, The Armor Wars and so on...


angel_inoshi February 4 2011, 05:43:46 UTC
Yeah, this issue really pulled at the angst stings. I mean instead of speculation, you know Tony has suffered some deep hurt...the 15th b-day party pretty much killed me. That's a horrible experience to see how superficial everyone of those prat brats were. [brings back memories of own private school experience] Kids can be so cruel...[pets Tony and gives him cookie]

I was thinking the same thing about an AA meeting - and I'm like...what no reporters? The image of Tony in a baseball cap makes me laugh XD, but seriously...all he has to do is shave his facial hair and he looks totally different. N E ways...while Tony was pouring his heart out...I couldn't help but go...and none of his teamates or friends were there? I mean honestly, it was something ONE of them really needed to hear.

So I dunno...all in all this issue made my heart break, but hopefully Fraction will move Tony forward. I have more hope Fear itself thing since Tony is supposed to be in a role "no one expects him to be" so here's hoping for better stories! DX I want a new artist though...


fictivore February 4 2011, 07:02:41 UTC
Yeah, though are non-alcoholic friends allowed into AA meetings? (I have absolutely no idea, bu I thought you have to be sponsored to attend?) Plus, I don't see Tony baring it all like this, if someone he *knew* was there with him.

Really, it's like every single one of my copious notes on Tony back-story came true in a single stroke. Even the 'Maria was a considerably younger than Howard socialite' bit... I just hope Fraction lets him win a bit, after this apparent eye-opener. (Though if it turns out that Fraction was aware of this canon all long AND had this theory worked out while writing the crap we've been getting, I will be HEARTBROKEN! ;______;)

Hmmm... what do you think could be a role "no one expects him to be"? Villainous or controlling or jerky, would be what everyone *expects* so I hope the only way to go is the actual pre-CW Tony?? Heroic Sacrifice set-up? *praying for it to be true*

Word about the artist. >:[


angel_inoshi February 11 2011, 07:32:45 UTC
you know...I just realized you asked me a question...sorry for the late reply. It's supposed to be a big three story at the core according to Fraction. My theory is that Tony actually becomes the "support" role since it's Steve and Thor that are going to be tested. No one would really expect Tony to be the one to pull Steve and Thor out of their inner darkness. I can see him being a behind the scenes leader that makes the other heroes get their heads together in order to face what they need to face.


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