... [throws brick at Steve]

Jan 26, 2011 16:07

 I held off until I read the issue, but here I am after reading Avengers # 9 and yes...Steve comes off as an ass in this one.  I'll let you read the issue for yourselves, but - damn...alright backing up - let's look at what else came out today before I go into Avengers.

Secret Avengers #9
More of the same - but something is Brubaker is definitely hinting something with Carter.  I am so calling clone at this point - or at least something that shakes the Steve/Sharon stuff.  Or...it could be a Red Herring - maybe part wishful thinking on my part...  LOL, Steve acting slightly irrational because he was worried about Sharon is a hoot to be honest.  Eye candy of Steve in small blue shorts [eyes his pretty-ness]  Other then that - I got nothing else of interest as far as I'm concerned.

New Avengers #8
Quiet moment...interesting to note in regards to Doom going nuts and apparent Doom bot run amuck:

Ms. Marvel: What was the Doombot set to do?
Victoria Hand:  That I was not told, but Tony Stark was very excited to get his hands on it.  He was giggling.  It was off-putting.

Really Bendis...really?  You know...Tony is not a mad scientist - just so you know.  [sighs and pets Tony]  Um...apparently Jessica Jones has decided to become Power Woman?  Oh yeah?  [falls asleep]

Ultimate Avengers #3
[watches Tony keel over dead] ...........!@#$.....are you serious Miller?  It's not like 616 damn it - once you die, you STAY dead.  Don't look so heart broken about it Greg...I'm sure he just needs a bandaid  [/sarcasm]  Although, Tony is built rather well...[looks him over]  If I am being honest, I don't think Tony is dead - maybe....I mean someone has to be piloting the Ironman suit with Ultimates vs. Avengers...[watches Greg step into suit] ............. [cries in corner]

I've been trying to check for solicits because honestly - I have no idea what happens from here.  Is Tony dead?  There is no Ultimate Avengers after this...what an evil cliff hanger.  [laughs] with what's happening in 616 and 1610...so far EMHs and Adventures is the only safe Tony!fan place at the moment.  [watches another Tony bite the dust] ..........Ultimate-verse is going down, down, down hill.  At least Tony wasn't eaten...

Captain America #614
Poor Buck...I sense a trap.  [ruffles his hair]  I really feel for him, but I think this proves he's not Steve - and really as we all know...Steve seems to be the only one who can be Captain America.  It was great to see that Bucky realizes that Steve is so desperate to save him that he's not acting like Steve.  Also fun to note that Steve seems to have Tony and Hank (my guess Pym) on speed dial - but hey Luke and his Avengers are on standby.  So....safe to say Tony is the real leader of the Avengers (as far as this issue goes) and not Hill.  Interesting to note Steve would call Hank as well since they have the Academy group with them - but there is also Tigra, Pietro, Justice and Jostca - so...I suppose that makes sense - I think.

Between you and me - I rather have the Young Avengers backing me up then the Academy kids

Avengers #9
Can I let the issue speak for itself?  For those of you who bother to read what I write - what can I say that I haven't already said before?  I suppose the major highlight of this issue is that Tony pretty much gets kicked off the team.  Granted the yelling doesn't start right off the bat like the preview led to believe, but you can see how much Steve is hurt.  If you look at things in a very slashy way - Steve's mad that Tony cheated on him with someone else.  Is Steve letting his personal feelings get in the way - yes.  Did Tony do anything wrong - if we are talking technical - no.

Let's clarify - Tony did not decided to go after the gems initially and hide them - that was all on Reed.  Did Tony form the Illuminati - it was his idea, but he didn't strong hold any of the members to join...they did that of their own free will.  Did Tony neglect to tell Steve - yes...so did Namor, Reed, Prof. X and Strange.  Is Steve being harsh on Tony - considering it wasn't his gem that was stolen - nor was it his particular fault that Hood got a hold of an inhumane.  If you want to play the blame game - go to Avengers Academy where three students beat the !@#$ out of the Hood making him want to seek power.

I swear I could feel Tony's heart break at being kicked off the Avengers.  Actually I take that back - I could hear him cry.  [shakes head]  HOW was Osborn his fault Steve?  You should understand a scapegoat when you see it - !@#$!!!  HOW were you cutting Tony slack?  You know what - F**K YOU STEVE!  Pay for sins my ass - out of everyone..Tony is the one you hold to a higher standard.  How about Hill paying for her sins - huh?  Or how about Hand?  Wait - you gave them a freaking free pass!  God damn just look at the other Illuminati no nothing at them - huh?  [throws another brick]  In comparison the other Illuminati pretty much get a slight slap on the wrist.

Thank GOD for Thor - "Prove him wrong."  Amen - Thor...A-FREAKING-MEN.  [fumes]

thor, tony stark, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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