The Trip

Oct 05, 2007 23:17

So I figured it's about time I posted about our trip to Phoenix.  First off, I don't think I've ever heard the words "you should move" so many times in the course of 3 days in my life.  The sum up:  I had alot of fun, I did enjoy it all very much, and I certainly didn't hate the city or the people.

I didn't click with anyone new but I liked everyone and it's rare to find people that just click.  Getting to know Spider better was great and very much a goal of the trip for me.  I especially liked finding out for certain that she does actually like me and doesn't just find me tolerable and put up with me for Zack's sake.  Yes, I realize this might have been a silly insecurity but it's one I have often with my boyfriend's friends that I like but don't know too well (before and with Zack.)  But now I know. = )  And hanging out with Gillian and remembering just how fun and uplifting her simple presence is was great too.  Kara was also alot of fun, though I've only just begun to get to know her at all.  Finally permanently burning Harley's face into my brain with his name attached was also good.  I felt like a total tard for not remembering before but now I'll never forget again.  And yes, Krista, your hug and good wishes were conveyed to him.  It was good to see Sauter and Jessie and Beth again too though we didn't get to spend much time with them outside of meals and watching Eddie Izzard.  And having Sarah meet Cousin Roxy was fun. =P

My assessment of Phoenix itself seems to so far have come down to:  it's short.  Literally.  The city itself is short.  I'm used to much taller buildings or hills that make the short buildings seem larger.  Phoenix however is flat and has laws against building above a certain height due to foundation problems and cooling costs.  The weather was great the entire time we were there (if brighter than I'd like) except for Monday when we had to leave which (surprise of surprises) was rather humid and sticky (this coming from the girl who grew up in humid summers.)  Not a weather I expected to experience in the middle of a desert but hey, nice to know there's variety.  All in all, except for being a little weirded out by the height of the city at large (or lack there of), I did like it.

Honestly, at this point I'm trying to filter out how much I enjoyed the vacation and escape from how much I enjoyed the people and the city.  I really needed the break from my oh so hated job so there is a bit to filter out.  So that's one of the reasons I haven't posted on it until now...the other reasons are just being lazy. ;)

So no decision made yet, but Phoenix and its lovely Cammies certainly didn't loose any points from the trip and definately gained some.  The final decision, as I keep saying, will be made after ICC.
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