It's Better When It's Us All Alone

Sep 14, 2008 21:35

Soooo... I'm not good at updating on my own. LOL I'm as uninterested as the rest of my non-existent crowd. At least I won't disappoint! So, it's... Hell, what month is this? September? Oh, duh. It says the date maybe 2 inches above where I'm typing. September 14th. Let me think of what's happened since January since my last three posts weren't really anything near being updates. Well, at least one was an av update. I should get some points for that crap. I demand a point.

Okay, going back to December for a short recap since it ties into some other stuff... As most of you may remember, the Writers Guild went on strike and forced many viewers into a short lived time of rerun darkness. During this time, I was enrolled in an awesome screenwriting class with a very entertaining man by the name of Weiko Lin. I'm not sure I learned anything beyond the basic screenplay format because I know damn well I'm still unable to identify the various major points within a movie, BUT he may very have been the final inspirational factor in my need to be involved in Hollywood. He has this go-go-go personality. He wanted things blunt and to the point. Things had to be done right or not at all. You had to be clear and concise. Him as a person is fantastic, but as a professor not so much. Student/professor communication was not so great. Anyway, his script had just been picked up by a production company when the strike started so he was obviously not very happy and he kept talking about it in class. My friend and I decided we wanted to get in on this picketing action and eventually got up to Hollywood for the "minority" strike day based outside of Paramount Studios. The Grey's Anatomy cast was there (Katherine Heigl got me ambushed my paparazzi because she came to stand where I was... It was my corner, Bitch!), Orlando Jones, J. August Richards (Gun from Angel whom I was WAY too excited about seeing, but I think I may have made his day by actually recognizing him...), one of the writers for Heroes, the asian dude from Entourage (I don't watch that so I dunno), and a bunch of other people whom I don't know were all there. I think that was on a Wednesday. A week later I went to Paramount for an interview for an internship.

I wrote before about my first day so... That's covered. The internship was supposed to be from January to March, Spring quarter. It's now September and I'm still there, driving to Hollywood three days a week, and being awesome. LOL J/K.. Sort of... It wasn't hard for them to keep me through June. We were doing Licensing Show and people were just like "Okay, whatever". After that though, things started getting tight. Christina had to push for me to stay through July. I couldn't work as much through August because I had class and then they didn't want to keep me on the budget. I was technically unemployed for two weeks from them and then last week I had to start going in again after Christina, Kirsti, Chris, and the rest of the gang basically did everything they could to bring me back until December. So, therefore, I feel awesome. :) This girl Gina is also helping me get my name out there for when I graduate in December so I can get a job straight away. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. Squee!

So that's the really really quick job update. I could probably go into detail, but I won't since I don't remember a lot of what I do anyway. I turned 21 this year. My friends threw me a surprise party that I tried to run away from since I had school the next day. They kept me there and got me drunk and I went to my 9 o'clock class hungover. It wasn't fun and it was at the same time. I had an excuse to leave class every fifteen minutes or so to run off to the bathroom. I also went to my first Lakers game this year. Mark Wahlberg, Adam Levine, and Will Ferrell were all there as well. Mmmm.. Mark and Adam were breathing the same sexy air as I was... Lakers kicked ass... All in all, a good night that was.

In March, my friend Venus turned 21 and we had agreed that we wanted to go sky diving... So. We did. It was amazing and fantastic and really cold falling out of a plane. I had a short Italian man strapped to my back so that was a little awkward. He had a weird sense of humor and talked kind of a lot. We weren't allowed to jump solo so that was were the little man came in. It wasn't too bad. The harness hurt my fat thighs, but it was totally worth it. I may just have to do it again. Oh, we also threw her a party! That she was late to... And we started drinking before she got there because of her lateness. We didn't drink lightly either, though our extreme drunkness was a sign of a good party. It was also my first toga party! We also went to Vegas for our cumalative 21 birthday party. Even though I had a final due the day after we came back. Kind of a downer...

I don't remember April, so May I took a couple other friends up to Hollywood to meet Matthew Fox. My friend took a much better picture with him than me so I was a little jealous and sad.. But I got a similar one the last time I met him, so I got over it quick. Nothing really went on between then and a couple weeks ago when I went with my other friend to Spare the Air. We hung out in the VIP area with the bands. Got pictures with Kenny Livingston (got a lot actually, including a few with his drums since we were standing there hanging out with him as he put them together.. Probably bugging the shit out of him, but hey. It's not like we'll ever get that close to these guys again), Airin Older, and Tim Pagnotta (other pic). Awesome concert. Got some sun for once since I'm usually in the office or in class. Marko threw me his guitar pick, but some biatch tried to fight me for it. I shoved it under a metal plate. If I can't have it, no one can... Especially since he threw it directly at me and she reached out to block it from me. If I see her again, I may have to destroy her... We also saw an insane accident on the way home. There was a car that had gotten hit and was facing the opposite direction as traffic was moving. The family was on the side of the road, waiting for the po po I guess, and this guy on a motorcycle sort of whizzed by trying to avoid getting hit by cars trying to merge then rammed the stopped car head on. Dude totally flipped over the hood and everything. I was traumatized. My friend was traumatized. We're probably still a little traumatized. He was okay for the most part. He got up and tried to get back on the bike, but we pulled over to tell him that his bike was leaking and then we called the cops so someone would be there in case he really wasn't okay... Then we drove away. We went to Kabuki after that. Got some good Japanese eatin'. Hot asian guy pulled my chair out for me and pushed it in for me to sit in. Made me feel pretty before I stuffed my face!

Oh, going back to July super quick. Went to Comic Con. Saw John Cho and Kal Penn at the Harold and Kumar panel. That man is just as hot in person as he is on tv. I don't remember anything else about that day. I had pigtails... I had a Joker shirt... My dad bought me a Spooky doll. I love it.

School starts next week and ended two weeks ago. I'm tired of it, but I'm done in December (If I don't fail anything, damn me for being lazy...) so it's not that bad. I think I shall post some Tim Pagnotta (Sugarcult) avs now.

"And you're the one who cared enough to break the plans I made for us."
- Line from the song "Freezing" by Sugarcult

Tim Pagnotta








As always, credit :) Comments are appreciated.

katherine heigl, lakers, comic con, matthew fox, sugarcult, j. august richards, mark wahlberg, grey's anatomy, tim pagnotta, kal penn, adam levine, spooky, kenny livingston, john cho, orlando jones, airin older

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