(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 11:47

I was asked how I was feeling today. Some good thoughts came of it...

I'm feeling mixed today.

Happy that it's sunny out and the snow is reflecting the light so it's extra bright. (Definitely need to see about getting some of those special light bulbs for my room and the lamp in my office.) Disappointed I don't have a better window in my office to see it.

Happy to have had a wonderful massage and chiro. adjustment yesterday. Sore and a little headachy from both. (Need to drink something and maybe take something for it.)

Happy to have a repeat client tonight.

Happy to have a good job working with good people. Happy that it's quiet today and I have a few things to get done I can feel accomplished about.

Happy you're in a good mood and feeling better. Not thinking about the other stuff, but sorry to know it’s there and much too close to the surface lately and never sure what is going to crack open the door to the closet.

Happy to feel a sense of belonging and identity admitting to following Buddhism. A bit unsure about how to follow it and structure/restructure my life to include it. Happy and excited to explore it, but unsure about the letting go, changes and discipline it asks for, and feeling unsure how some of that may relate or not to current people in my life. Unsure but curious who and what it might bring to my life.

Happy being awake and aware of the good things in the here and now, but sometimes wanting to be done with the hard parts and on to my hopeful expectations of less hurt and more joy in that indefinite "then".

And my Buddhist-part shaking its head and chuckling at the silliness and fruitlessness of the duality I just wrote. :-)

Hey, look at that. Happiness and contentment. Laughter (especially at oneself) is good medicine. :-)
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