Well, damn.
I've been an intermittent Stargate SG-1 viewer for many years now. Back when it was on Showtime, I didn't have access to first-run episodes, and I only remembered to watch it in syndication on occasion. By the time it moved to Sci-Fi, I was several years behind, so I didn't watch the new episodes, even though I could have. Obviously, I know the basic premise of the show, but I've missed a lot of the intricate details. With the new season premiering next week, there's a part of me that would like to start watching, but I feel like I shouldn't. So I'm in a bit of a quandary.
But that's not even the point of this post. The thing is, Daniel Jackson has always, always been my favorite character on the show. That's not to say I don't like Jack O'Neill, by any stretch of the imagination. But I've always had a soft spot for hot, geeky guys with glasses. Plus, the UC 'shipper in me rebelled against the anviliciousness that is Sam/Jack.
Daniel being my favorite character isn't going to change. But tonight, Jack O'Neill finally and completely won me offer. Sci-Fi aired "Moebius, Parts I & II" this evening, and while watching, I learned what Jack would do if given the opportunity to travel back in time. He would return to 1908, to watch the Cubs win the World Series. Not that's a personality trait that I can get behind.
Of course, it totally made my night when AlternaJack told Geek!Sam that she was hot, and Geek!Sam said that she was actually attracted to Geek! (and presumably Not!Geek!) Daniel. That was awesome. Too bad they had to ruin it by having Geek!Sam say she was lying, and totally make out with AlternaJack. Still, I can rationalize that nonsense quite easily in my Sam/Daniel 'shipping brain. See, Jack and Sam only get together (despite any underlying attraction) in alternative timelines, where it always seems that Daniel is not a part of their lives. There seems to be a causal link between them staying platonic and Daniel being around. I like to pretend this is because Sam and Daniel are meant to be in the "real" timeline.
But I'm insane, so whatever. The writers obviously don't agree with me. Morons.