Counting the days in ketchup

Nov 26, 2008 20:57

Another Tuesday, another enjoyable episode of NCIS. I'm satisfied with the resolution of this particular story arc, but I'm still a little bummed by what seems like a lack of Gibbs/Abby interaction. (My kingdom for a cheek kiss!...if I had a kingdom.)

So apparently, Agent Lee isn't quite as evil as I was willing to believe. She really did seem to be doing all of it for her 'daughter,' even if that still doesn't justify killing Langer. I did appreciate the fact that Gibbs told her that she should have come to him when it all started, since that's what I said last week.

Vance is growing on me. He's kind of a hardass, but not in an inappropriate way, given his position. The scenes with Abby were amusing, since I'd imagine that's how most people would react to her antics.

Not as much in the way of Tony/Ziva-ness this week, although he did keep staring at her in the end. I thought it was interesting that she appeared affected by the situation with Amanda. I also hope that the reference to Jeanne--albeit not by name--doesn't indicate an impending reappearance by that annoying waste of screentime.

Overall, the mole storyline was okay (certainly better than the interminable La Grenouille plot), but now I'm ready to get back to the normal stand-alone eps. (What does it say about me that my least favorite X-Files eps were the ones heavy on the alien mythology?)

In non-TV news, tomorrow is, of course, (American) Thanksgiving. I ever-so-foolishly volunteered to host this year, so it will be dinner for nine at the Gracie abode. I've cooked for more many a time, but there's something daunting about a turkey. Perhaps it's a tendency for it to taste like sawdust if even slightly overcooked?

Anyway, I hope that everyone who celebrates has a wonderful holiday. And remember, only 29 days until Christmas!


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