Alex and Izzie and Derek, oh my

Oct 10, 2008 16:34

It feels odd, but...I actually enjoyed Grey's Anatomy last night. Was it as good as it once was? No, probably not. But at least it made me remember why I cared about these characters in the first place.

You know, once upon a time, I feel like I must have liked Derek. I mean, he was McDreamy. But somewhere along the way, he became McAsshole, and it's gotten to the point that I actually dislike him more than Meredith. Where I used to think they deserved each other because they both essentially sucked, now I believe she deserves better. I was completely astonished by his bulldozing into the house and demanding that Alex and Izzie move out, even going so far as to whip out the tape measure. Clearly, the living situation was yet another thing that did not get addressed prior to their diving into the next phase of their relationship. While I can't actually fault him for wanting to live with just his girlfriend, the way he handled it was abominable. How could it not occur to him that this is something Meredith should have a say in? Being as it is, after all, her house. Even at the end, when he conceded the point "for now," it was utterly smug and condescending. Yes, at some point, he and Meredith will need to live together, just the two of them. Certainly she knows that as well. But his concession felt more like he was humoring a petulant child than actually admitting he had been in the wrong. Asshat.

I felt bad for Izzie in this episode. Obviously, as viewers, we can understand why her behavior over the last two seasons has driven away those closest to her. Presumably, though, it's much more difficult to perceive from the inside. While Izzie could have possibly been a bit clearer that she wanted to room with Cristina, I couldn't help thinking that Cristina was being selfishly obtuse. She knows that Derek is trying to kick out Alex and Izzie, knows that Izzie would therefore need somewhere to live. Izzie made a point of telling her that she wasn't an awful person, the implication, within the context of the conversation, being that she wouldn't mind living with Cristina. And while I think that could have been a very interesting storyline, with the two of them as roommates, instead we just get Cristina taking what she wants.

Speaking of Cristina, I am so tired of her complete and utter lack of teaching skills. One lousy stitched banana does not an instructor make. She bitched and moaned so much about Hahn not giving her the time of day last season, and she's even worse to her own interns. I'm so glad that Lexie approached Sloan, and was able to help the patient. Cristina's goal rarely seems to be in helping the patient, but instead to prove her own (perceived) awesomeness. Clearly, they need to bring back Kevin McKidd stat, so I can go back to liking Dr. Yang.

I'm really, really loving the rapport between Lexie and Sloan. I love that he gives her shit about George, and I love even more than she can look beyond his teasing and still go to him as a doctor. She gets things done, and for as much as he harasses her, I think he respects that. It would be so, so interesting if he were to well and truly fall for her.

Bailey will always be awesome. Poop water for the win!

I don't have a particular vested interest in Alex/Izzie, but I have to say that I am totally in favor of anything that gets Justin Chambers more airtime. He's awesome, even when he's being an unapologetic asshole.

In other news, CSI broke my heart a little, Ugly Betty is still amusing, and Life On Mars didn't grab me at all--I turned it off about five minutes in.

greys anatomy

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