Strawberries and champagne

May 14, 2007 19:30

How I Met Your Mother wins at life. I can't imagine this show not coming back for another season. The finale tonight was a perfect mixture of sweetness and hilarity. It so deftly walks that fine line of saccharine, and rarely crosses over to the side of ick.

I'm honestly really, really glad that Ted and Robin finally broke up. Since we've known from the first episode that Robin isn't the endgame, it often felt like a waste of time to become invested in them. I'm really looking forward to Barney as Ted's wingman once more. And would it be too much to ask for a random Barney/Robin hookup some time in the future?

Marshall and Lily are truly Mr. and Mrs. Awesome, and I cracked up because I knew Marshall was going to suggest Mr. and Mrs. Skywalker before he actually said it. Marshall and I are totally kindred spirits. The so-true-to-life detail of the wedding couple not actually getting to eat was delightfully funny, and I loved Lily drunk on strawberries and champagne.

I'm also really glad that they finally explained why Ted and Robin were covered in marinara sauce. This show is a champion at continuity.

I'll miss this show over the summer, but at least I won't be tearing my hair out wondering what happens.

how i met your mother

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