Monday funnies

Jan 09, 2007 19:26

I love How I Met Your Mother, but I would be just as happy if it was The Barney, Marshall, and Lily Show. I just can't bring myself to care about Robin and Ted, at least not as a couple. We know they're not the end game, so why should I invest anything in their relationship? I loved getting to hear about the gang's first times, but the best thing, of course, was the departure into Dirty Dancing-dom. So. Damn. Funny. I also liked that even though they gave Barney crap about his real first time, they allowed him to revert to the fantasy to make him feel better. And any episode that has a War Games shout-out is okay by me. And honestly, I did think Robin and Ted were pretty cute in this ep, but still. Not caring.

I think The Class is growing on me--maybe it's like mold? I still think it would be worlds better with about half as many characters. Jason Ritter and Lizzy Caplan make me laugh in pretty much all their scenes, so that's good. Unfortunately, the Sara Gilbert character is being written so dark that I don't really think it works for a sit-com. Maybe Arrested Development, but not this one.

how i met your mother, the class

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