A Mad Boy's Love Song + Model Behavior

Mar 15, 2012 21:31

A/N: Forgot to update here again. Oops. These last two fic are both Winmillcest flavored, so I'll let myself be lazy and pimp them together. :)

Title: Model Behavior
Disclaimer: I,
ladyknightanka, do not own Supernatural. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission. Pop-culture references aren't mine.
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic threesome sex, very minor spoilers for S6 if you don't know who Balthazar is (but this is AU, so...), incest, language, etc. An unChuckly amount of porn.
Other Notes: ~2600w. Established Sam/Adam/Dean in a male modeling AU. Yes, you know you were asking for it.
Summary: After his wife's death, John Winchester becomes a model to support his sons, then eventually creates his own company. Sam and Dean have grown up the heirs to a fashion empire. Adam, however, has not, so his brothers help him get more comfortable in his skin like a model should be.

"You could be a porn-star. I'd write you a glowing recommendation for that myself." )

Title: A Mad Boy's Love Song
Disclaimer: I,
ladyknightanka, do not own Supernatural. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission. Pop-culture references aren't mine. Title and story are inspired by Sylvia Plath's A Mad Girl's Love Song. It is quoted in abundance throughout.
Warnings: PG-13 for vague spoilers, serious angst, a psychologically damaged!Adam, suicide, self-harm, coarse language, mentions of Hell, etc. Very dark.
Other Notes: ~2500w. Sam/Adam and Michael/Adam, but not very explicit on either front. Can be read as pre-slash or gen.
Summary: Adam is a universe composed of a million shattered galaxies, a billion big bang theories, and nothing is real anymore. That doesn't mean he loves his phantom populace any less. If anything, he loves them more.

“I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed and sung me moonstruck, kissed me quite insane.” )

supernatural, oneshot, slash, fanfic

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