The Haunting of Harvey Specter

Feb 21, 2012 09:39

A/N: Written for the first round of suits_exchange.

Title: The Haunting of Harvey Specter
Disclaimer: I,
ladyknightanka, do not own Suits. If I did, we would have more fangirl moments, less awkward romances. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission. Pop-culture references aren't mine.
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sex that includes wet dreams, light bondage, rimming, blow-jobs, fingering and so on, coarse language, alcohol use, mentions of Harvey and Mike with others, mild angst, jealousy and meanness from relationship denial, romantic comedy type cliches, descriptions of delicious foods that will make you hungry, some spoilers, etc. So fluffy, you'll want to die.
Other Notes: ~12k of Harvey/Mike and our favorite matchmaking women. Originally posted here.
Summary: The awkward morning after a drunken one night stand, Harvey and Mike agree never to discuss their relationship again, but memories of that otherwise foggy affair begin to assail Harvey. How can he continue seeing his clumsy associate in a platonic light when he dreams of making him scream with pleasure every time he falls asleep? Matchmaking women and the green-eyed monster aren't making things any easier.

Part One + Part Two

suits, multichapter, slash, fanfic

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