Of Generals and Birthdays Repost 1/1

Feb 11, 2011 15:23

Something annoying happened to me. For some reason, adultfanfiction.net no longer allows anyone to access my profile or read my fics (not even me) and I have no idea why. :/ I mean, I don't even use AFF all that often. It's coding system is somewhat convoluted, fics are harder to find in its archives, etc. But I posted at least one fic only there, so it's pretty much gone forever now, since it was a really old fic that I'd since deleted from my hard-drive. *Sigh* I don't even know why - I've kept to the ToS and content guidelines to a 't', and even if I messed up somehow, the polite thing would be to tell me, unless it's something like plagiarism (which I'd never do), in which case delete away!

Anyway, the purpose of this post is not only to rant. I just want to let anyone who actually likes my mature fiction to know where to find it. Amor Vincit Omnia, my SuzaLulu Code Geass fic, is also on my fanfiction.net account. To refresh your memory, it's the canon-compliant portrayal of a last romantic (and sexy) night between Suzaku and Lelouch, before the shocking conclusion of the anime (during which an event-that-makes-me-cry-and-will-not-be-named happened).

My other PWP, Of Generals and Birthdays, is now archived in my other LJ, ladyknightanka. It's a Final Fantasy VII AU fic written for an anonymous request on hh_kink. Sephiroth is still Sephiroth, but Cloud is a pleasure slave purchased for Seph's birthday by Zack, so there's graphic sex, human trafficking, bondage and all that fun stuff.

There was one other, but if it's gone, there's no point crying over spilled milk. That was a Final Fantasy VIII AU fic about established Seifer/Squall. Please enjoy (again, if you have already, and for the first time if not) these plot-less, smutty pieces, thank you.

ffviii, code geass, oneshot, final fantasy vii, fanfic

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