When Sirens Play Matchmaker 1/3

Jul 21, 2010 15:40

A/N: Posted on ladyknightanka. My first Wincest and complete multi-chapter fic!

Title: When Sirens Unwittingly Play Matchmaker
Author: ladyknightanka - this is still me.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Kripke and other producers. I make no profit from this, save having fun. Underlined things aren't mine.
Rating: M
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sexual encounters, slash, coarse language, violence, Wincest, etc. Spoilers for S-4.14: Sex and Violence, and S-4.19: Jump the Shark.
Summary: According to the siren, Dean's perfect match is not a pretty girl, but a brother he can trust and love without fear of betrayal. Sam may not match up, but Adam is a wish come true. Kind of.
Pairings: Dean/Siren, Dean/Adam, with mentions of Sam/Ruby and Sam/Dr. Roberts. Very slight Sam/Siren.

(“Dean doesn't need some bitch in a g-string. He wants a little brother who looks up to him, who he can trust. Adam can give him the best of both worlds.”)

supernatural, multichapter, slash, fanfic

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