Silent Song 5

Jan 11, 2010 19:35

A/N: Yo! Guess what, guys? I'm baaaaack! And I have presents. ^___^

Title: Silent Song
Author: angel_gospel  (theladypendragon)
Fandom: Original
Genre: Romance, drama, family, music
Pairing: OMCxOMC
Rating: T, though it might increase.
Disclaimer: Mine, mine, mine. xD
Warnings: Angst, language, slash.
Summary: Carmen survived the tragic accident that stole his parents and his voice. He thinks he can now handle anything. Throw in a playboy therapist and an overprotective, mysterious new guardian. Now he's not so sure anymore. Slash, MxM. Rating may increase.

- Prologue - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five -

silent song, original fiction, multichapter, slash

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