Mokona Drop 1

May 03, 2009 21:25

A/N: I dunno why, but this muse wouldn't leave me alone. Ah well, it's fun to write. This is loosely adapted from an adorable manga called Usagi Drop. I know X fandom is currently dead (curse me for having this muse), but I'd love some encouragement for my madness, so comment/review/offer me lots of feedback. I'm aware that these are all the same.

Title: Mokona Drop
Fandom: X-1999, Tokyo Babylon, other CLAMP works.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own X1999, Tokyo Babylon, miscellaneous CLAMP works, or Usagi Drop. The characters and places within these manga/anime belong to their respective creators.
Warnings: Shounen-ai, Subaru angst, violence, etc. Basically, whatever I think to throw at you.
Author: angel_gospel  (theladypendragon)
Pairings: Eventual SeishirouxSubaru, hints of FuumaxKamui.
Summary: After his sister's abandonment and eventual death, Subaru has lost all reason to live. But the one remnant of his sister, her infant son, opens his eyes and makes him realize that he can no longer live behind his late twin's shadow.

(In which Hokuto dies...)

tokyo babylon, x 1999, fanfic

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