Anita Blake Character Fangirling

Mar 08, 2008 12:06

I don't know how many of you have heard about the comic book adaption of "Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures" but as far as I'm concerned, the series is aptly named. I've been reading my latest issue, and catching up on my comics in general, and I was just really struck once again by my love for the character Phillip. I love Anita too, but she's the title character so it kinda goes without saying. At any rate, I just wanted to post a little Phillip wuv 'cause the boy amuses me.

This is how we first meet Phillip.

Awww... he's all "Lookee me! I'm HAWT!"

And in case you think I exaggerate his internal monologue--I laugh at you.

Awww... Oh, Anita--spoilin' all his fun. Scarily enough, I think I love ya for it, girl.

And here they have "a moment":

He just wants so bad to impress her, and she's just not easy to impress. But she cares for him, no doubt of that.

I'd give you guys context, but how much context does a sweet thang like this really need?

Maybe it's just me droolgeeking, but if you guys like, I could post more scans. At this moment, I just needed to get the boy out of my system. No--scratch that---I needed to express that he was in my system. Yeah, that sounds more accurate...

fandom, phillip, anita blake, scans

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