Fic (DCFFA): Power Lines

Mar 04, 2008 21:46

Title: Power Lines
Author: angel_gidget
Claim: Tim Drake/Cassie Sandsmark
Characters/Pairing: Tim/Cassie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 257
Prompt: #21: Electricity
Summary: Half a moment of rescue, a full moment of contemplation.
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Done for dcu_freeforall. Table found here.

Power lines hurt like nobody's business. Cassie isn't quite sure that electricity can kill her, but it can certainly hurt. She even knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of her own lasso... and this is probably equally embarrassing.

Stupid third-rate villains. Stupid collateral damage. Stupid cable collapse and lines sweeping up behind her, colliding with her, and singing her skin and hair. She still feels... intact.. but she can smell the burn. Gross.

She feels her lungs hold their breath when her eyes catch another black line headed straight for her. She braces for impact when the cord wraps harmlessly around her arm and tugs. It pulls her free. Not a power-line. A grappul-line. Robin's.

Once she's clear of the sparking cables, she glances up and sees him. She congratulates herself. The only reason she can read his masked face right now is the years of practice. Concern, analysis, relief, and back-to-business.

She smirks as she regains equilibrium and flies beside him. Three years ago, "thanks" would entail an off-hand comment over her shoulder. He would offer a welcome much the same way and that would be the end of it. Now, "thanks" is her hand squeezing his shoulder and his hand over hers squeezing back. This isn't end end of it. This is a prelude of things to come when both are behind closed doors.

Back in the now, she pulls her lasso from it's clip. Lightning sizzles across the rope, fueled by her ire. It's time for payback pure and simple.

cassie sandsmark, fanfic, wondergirl, dc_freeforall, robin, tim/cassie, tim drake

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