This Month's Fannish5 Topic -- Oh, Timmy

Feb 22, 2008 17:48

Okay, this one? Just too intriguing to pass up:

Five reasons a character you have a crush on/find attractive would be a bad boyfriend or girlfriend in real life.

So, without further ado...

5 Reasons Why Tim Drake Would Suck as a Real-Life Boyfriend:

1. Tim is a stalker. While no one can manage this as sexily as Tim, the fact is that a real-life stalking habit is more frightening than attractive. HE IS WATCHING YOU.

2. Tim has very little free time. One of his problems with his civilian girlfriends was that they were difficult to pencil in between school, patrol, training, and Titans/Young Justice time. And due to the secrecy of the Robin thing, he can't often explain why he missed the last date.

3. Tim has a dangerous job. It's not just that he could die any day. A stray bullet, a crazed alien, a rampant toxin... it's also the stress that comes with the fact that he could die any day. It can easily give some poor love interest a heart condition.

4. Tim loses girlfriends the way other people lose spare change. Dating Tim is a quick way to get limbo-ized, killed, made undead, or otherwise shafted. People close to him die, and not only does that endanger the theoretical girlfriend, but it means she must deal with all the emo baggage of a boyfriend who has truly lost just about everything.

5. Tim is a master of deception-fu. This is incredibly intriguing from a reader's perspective because we actually know what's going on and are therefore amused by the ways in which he circumvents, bends, and mutilates the truth. It's not fun, however, to be on the receiving end of such lies and no one is every safe from the dishonesty. Not Bruce, not Dick, not anyone. Tim always holds something back because it's part of who he is.

You all know I love him. It's just things like this that make me appreciate his fictionality.

fandom, fannish5, robin, dcu, tim drake, dc

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