Fic (DCFFA): Ready, Aim, Stutter

Jan 18, 2008 16:45

Title: Ready, Aim, Stutter
Author: angel_gidget
Claim: Tim Drake/Cassie Sandsmark
Characters/Pairing: Cassie, Tim
Rating: PG
Word Count: 378
Prompt: #1: Gun
Summary:He ain't no Mr. Sarcastic, y'know.
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Done for dcu_freeforall. Table found here.

"Miss Wondergirl, ma'am, I'm gonna have ta ask ya to step away from the hydra egg."

Cassie rolled her eyes and bit back a groan. The young officer had his Smith and Wesson trained on her as if he had any power to carry out his threat. But scandalous reputation or no, this sad little rookie was not about to shoot a superhero. He was respectful and shaking in his boots at the front of a small group of museum rent-a-cops.

As far as she was concerned, the people of Gotham were absolutely nuts. A hydra egg was not a museum exhibit piece, no matter how pretty it was or who donated it. It was a threat waiting to be crushed or crush others. If she didn't want the second to happen, she would have to hurry and get the egg out before it hatched into something far more deadly.

"First off, that thing won't be an egg for long. It could turn into a vicious killing machine any moment. Secondly, I don't believe that you really intend to try putting a bullet through my skull."

He cocked the gun.

"The heck I won't! Ya better believe me, ma'am. I ain't no Mr. Sarcastic."

Cassie was about to retort and raise her arm bracelets when she did a double-take.


Gods, it was Tim. Underneath the fake facial hair and dirty-blonde dye job, it was definitely an undercover Tim Drake voicing that horrible accent. She wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or strangle something. Knowing him, he was probably in the middle of some complicated web of a plan, and she'd just tangled it up by leaping right in.

Served him right. He knew Greek mythological things were her territory, and not calling her in to help was just asking for trouble.

Still... making him shoot at her would be just mean. Robin always hated it when his plans went awry. He wasn't getting off without a warning, though.

"Alright, officer. I'll be going, but you better have that thing on a tight leash."

"The tightest, Miss Girl."

Cassie ground her teeth as she flew out the door. She was going to get him for this later. And she was going to get him good.

cassie sandsmark, fanfic, wondergirl, robin, tim/cassie, dcu_freeforall, tim drake

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