The Mandatory LJ & Multiple Account Deletions Post

Aug 10, 2007 07:37

I was just over looking at This Post by teh_no, and I finally decided to go ahead and say my piece on the whole Lj/six-apart problem:

Yeah, I'm sad to see so many people ticked off and leaving LJ, but just because LJ's being a little hypocritical (being actually more concerned about sales than real censure), doesn't necessarily mean fandom can take the moral highground. Plus, a lot of folks are whining about their "rights" to post what they want on the site. I'm sorry, but he only "right" involved is the "right" of LJ, as a private company, to refuse business with whomever they want. I respect that right because I know I may want to make use of it myself one day.

I like free press as much as the next person, but if somebody wants to express a way-out-there opinion, their right is to make their own press or offer the story to whoever is willing to publish it. If a company isn't willing, you've got no right to force them.

I know this isn't really a popular opinion, but it's as good a time as any to get if off my chest.


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