Decided Not to be Cruel & Make Everyone Wait Till Dec. 25th

Dec 17, 2006 07:47

Okay, everybody! Time to open your presents! Merry Christmas! ^_^

4 illmantrim )

christmas, xmas, art, fanart, presents

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liquidengineer0 December 17 2006, 20:45:42 UTC

I ... I am in awe and love of my present. It's just so...squee!

::ahem:: I'm going to try to be coherent here. I just...I love every bit of it.

Greta is perfect. The eyes really grab your attention; they're so expressive. She looks so ... content and peaceful and happy with Tim, all nestled in his (perfectly drawn) hair. The detail-work is amazing. I've always imagined her lips very full (hence why Tim fixates on them when she starts chewing the lower one when she's nervous in my story), and there they are.
Even her hair is just awesome. It's full-bodied and frames her face and--I honestly think she looks better here than she ever did in the comic. You've aged her some while making it obvious she's still 15 or 16. I love the way you have to look closely to see exactly where her hair ends and where the smoke begins--it really enforces that she's a girl made of smoke (not just a girl with her own personal smokescreen), and it all looks so *natural.*

Tim is likewise stupendous. Your version of the YJ-era costume is right on--I've always loved Tim's costume 'cause it's really such a logical upgrade to Dick's. The cape, for instance, is much more useful, being long and black and triply armored, but it's still got these (especially clean and well proportioned in your version) yellow lines that give Robin the requisite amount of color that Robin, by definition, must have. Tim's Robin costume, and the way he carries it off, really validates the whole concept of Robin as a hero you can take seriously on his own in a way the Dick/Jason version of the suit didn't. I think, maybe, some of this was lost in the new version of the suit--but I think it's just because I've not seen as much art of it and have to see it used in the way Tim used the old one to emanate a vibe of: quietly threatening, fully competent superhero.

The details again make the drawing when it comes to Tim. The mask is just the right size to acftually look like it's doing something useful. I've often seen it drawn to small or so large that you stop and go "It's not supposed to be that big." The highlights are great too. They really work as an indicator of emotion--I get the feeling his eyebrows are drawn together in some sort of nervous gesture, which brings me to my next observation...

I've gotta wonder if there's a story behind his expression, and the picture itself--Tim seems a bit startled. I've decided while on an ice-cream high Greta convinced him to make out with her in the Batmobile, and now he's realized that he forgot to turn off the car's internal surveillance. Greta thus looks unperturbed because Bruce has this inexplicable soft spot for her and she isn't afraid of him at all*. Tim has yet to realize this completely, and is still working under the impression one or both of them might die--or worse, be forced to appear in public with Bruce the Fop.

*I see this complete lack of intimidation on Greta's part annoying Bruce much less than Bruce thinks it should. :P


angel_gidget December 22 2006, 01:24:42 UTC
Wow! Not only do I get thanks, but I get a little story/plot bunny to go with it! Wouldn't it be cool if some referance were made to this "incident" as if it had happened in the past of "Family Affairs"? Like maybe something Greta mentions when Tim's feeling down...?


liquidengineer0 December 23 2006, 01:11:13 UTC
I think I can work that in. :)


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