Harry Potter Pairings

Mar 11, 2006 11:16

This is a little bit more of a random thought than I usually bring up, but...my feelings on HP pairings.

I love the books, but I hardly ever read the fanfiction. It occured to me that a large part of the reason for that may be because the characters are so young. When I was younger, I liked to read about romance between young people, but now that I'm older, I like to read about romance between older people.

I'm still a teen, but I've spent four years of high school observing how immature and shallow my fellow teenagers can truly be. As a result, a true and lasting relationship between youngsters doesn't seem so realistic to me anymore. I want to read about grown-up, mature people struggling to make a relationship work.

Unfortunately, we don't have to many of those scenarious in Harry Potter. Chances are, if you want to see grown-up relationships, you have to read slash. If you don't read slash (I don't), you're out of luck.

I guess that's why I'm happy with some of the latest unfoldings in the HP books. Remus and Tonks attracted to each other...Bill and Fleur gettiing married...possible unrequited love for Lilly Potter on Snape's part...All these things facinate me.

I've also found that I enjoy some Hermione/Viktor Krum when I encounter it. He seems to be a more mature fellow than our beloved Ron Weasley, and it gives him a completely different dynamic with Ms. Granger.

So, just for kicks, I'm putting up some links to some HP lj communties I stumbled upon in my fanfiction quest:




pairing: bill/fleur, hermione/viktor, parings, remus/tonks, hp, harry potter

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