Jinglebells, Batman smells, Robin lays and egg...

Dec 06, 2005 11:29

The Christmas Meme...gacked from adele87. Enjoy!

1.What is your favorite Christmas carol/song? -- "What Child is This" There's another song I really love, but I don't know the name of it.

2.White lights or multiciolored? -- gold, actually

3. Do you have a cut tree, live tree or an artificial tree? -- Artificial. It's clean, it's cheap, and highly re-usable. My family's practical 'bout this sorta thing.

4. Eggnog, mulled cider, or hot chocolate? -- Chai tea, please.

5. Do you decorate your house with lights? -- Just the tree.

6. Do you write a Christmas letter? -- My mom does, and then signs 'em saying that they're from all of us.

7. Do you like receiving Christmas letters/photos? -- I think I would if I got many.

8. What is your favorite Christmas story/movie? -- Home Alone 2: Lost in New York...Cause #3 was tacky, and #1 was only the beginning...

9. Have you ever made a gingerbread house? --I think once in gradeschool. Some vague memory of glue and gumdrops...

10. Poinsettias or holly? -- Poinsettias. Too bad nobody's made a song that mention them.

11. Do you display a nativity scene? -- Absolutely. A pretty earthenware set that we've had since before I can remember.

12. Do you bake Christmas cookies? -- Sometimes. It's yet to be seen this year.

13. Ham or turkey? -- Both. My dad hates turkey, which leaves more for me, but I also like ham.

14. In what languages can you wish someone a Merry Christmas (without cheating)? -- One. English. But now that I think of it, I'm gonna ask my teacher how to say it in Latin when I get the chance...

15. Do you know all the words to Jingle Bells? -- Yes. More than one version. (The original, the batman, and the chevy versions)

16. Do you put presents under the tree? -- Yes. Both my birthday presents and christmas presents go under there until Dec. 22 (my b-day) when I open about half and save the rest for the 25th.

17. How do you eat a candy cane? -- Lick, suck, crunch. The length and order of the steps may vary.

18. What is your biggest holidays pet peeve? -- Politically correct people who insist on the term "holidays" and won't let us use terms like "Christmas" for fear of offending those who celebrate hanukka and kwaanza. Those other two are all well and good, but it bugs me big that there are so many people nowadays who will try to step on you for celebrating Jesus' birthday.

19. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? -- Presents. Childish, I know, but I may as well be honest.

20. What was the best present you ever got for Christmas? -- My movie set-up. That includes my computer, camera, and tripod.


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