Feb 07, 2012 23:52
Welp, so much for a part-time.
My supposed part-time that was supposed to help me pay my loans while I focussed on writing has kind of taken over and is almost a full-time now. On the one hand, this is good because I have more money.
But this wasn't how I intended it to be.
I don't want to turn clients away, because turning down business tends to dry up business and that would be very bad. But still...
My writing motivation has been high and low all at once. Ever since I read "Clockwork Prince," I've been inspired to do all these teeny-tiny drabbles in the free spots of my schedule and post 'em on Tumblr, but when it comes to actually writing the things I had a GOAL to write? My screenplay? Collab projects? Gifts? No go.
And it's rather embarrassing when I stop to actually tally up the tiny bits of fanfic I've written and just consider if I could put that drive into my actual work... but my brain doesn't quite work that way, sadly.
I will, however, be taking those drabbles and posting them here. Because I like archiving my stuff and I don't trust Tumblr as any kind of perma-link. Not really.
So... Infernal Spam ahead, I guess.
real life,