Meme... to try to get myself to WRITE, darnit!

Jan 14, 2011 19:40

Stolen from greenconverses:

Pick a character and I will give and explain some ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them. Any and all characters welcome ( including ones I haven't written but might know about...)

meme, robin, kon, superboy, cassie sandsmark, fandom, red robin, supergirl, wonder girl, kara zor-el, kon el, tim drake, kon-el

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angel_gidget January 15 2011, 15:37:16 UTC
1. The first rule of Kara is "Screw the haters". (Coincidentally, this is also the first rule of Cassie, but I digress...) They just jealous. If I had a super-torso? I'd flaunt it. If I crash-landed on an alien planet? I wouldn't understand the locals much, either. Also, I'd get tired of trying. Often, even if you love a character, you need to remember to forget what the mean people say, 'cause the barbs are designed to stick.

2. Kara is smart. Kara is intelligent. Kara is... not necessarily wise. She's a bit of a scientist, and can do her Kryptonian heritage proud as far as building an all-purpose ray-gun is concerned, but she's as lost an indecisive as any teen as far as life-plans go. She tries to work by a process of elimination, finding out what she doesn't want, but that still leaves her with too many options.
And Kryptonian or not, she's only got one life to live. It's frustrating.

Kara doesn't give advice lightly. Partly because she feels she's been the recipient of plenty of bad advice (i.e. her father) and partly because she rarely feels she's in a position to give any advice at all.

3. She's a little torn between being a hero and being a girl who simply loves to live her life. There are always people who need to be saved. Her cousin always wants to save them, and she admires her cousin, so shouldn't she always want to be saving them too? But then there's parties, clubs, celebrations, countries, people, experiences... she wants those too. And given the fact that she has super-speed, super-strength, and super-other-stuff, shouldn't she be the best at balancing both? This works so much better in theory than in fact.

Nonetheless, the look on a little girl's face when she saves her kitten, and the gratitude in a man's eyes as she rescues him from a fire are branded in her memory and will keep her from ever surrendering her cape.

4. She's a little fuzzy on the difference between family loyalty and family similarity. She loves her cousin, loves her dead parents, and wishes she could know Kon and Lois better... but she's not like them. Not in mentality or personality or even sometimes morality... and sometimes this leaves her wondering if there's something wrong with her because no one's ever told her that it's actually pretty normal.

5. She's got her worries... but she's not really a worrier. She has fun and is fun. She'll romp through the time-stream and take things one moment at a time, leaving it to folks like Brainiac 5 to fret about the time-space continuum. Business is automatically mixed with pleasure because Kara loves to use her powers, and meeting new people and going new places is exciting.

I've mostly gone into current Kara Zor-El as I see her, though I admit that I may have mixed in a couple ideas I have about just Supergirl in general, but a good number of the essentials, I think, are there. ^_^


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