Fic [Sleeping Beauty]: Beginning After - Phillip/Aurora

Aug 23, 2009 00:23

Title: Beginning After
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: It's the morning after, and Phillip knows it's just the beginning.

When Phillip wakes up in the morning, it's the strangest sensation to have someone next to him. Even... curled around him sort of. It's when he reaches up and feels his fingers tangle in gold silk that he remembers everything and lets his body relax again.

He remembers he's married now, and that his father is finally appeased. When he reaches in and smells the woods, earth, and flowers that make up Rose's scent, he revels in the fact that she is everything he could want and nothing he would have imagined.

Phillip never expected to have it all. He'd romanticized about finding a woman he loved rather than some vague idea of a princess he couldn't recall bearing his father's perfunctory stamp of approval. He'd dreamed of making everyone happy, himself included, but didn't expect it would ever be so.

But he is happy. So is his family... but is she happy?

He feels her reciprocating touch, slender fingers smoothing a lock of hair from his own forehead as she wakes. He prays that he'll be worthy.

Those fairy-women can twitter all they like about happily ever after, as if it would be easy.

Phillip knows that slaying the dragon was just the beginning of the adventure.


fanfic, fic: disney, fic: sleeping beauty

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