Requests and Recs

Dec 23, 2008 16:15

Okay, people! Here's what I got for (implied) Christmas requests so far...

in_excelsis_dea: rare Tim pairing wuv
amichandrn: reciprocating Tim cuteness of some variety? T/C anti-angst
geministar01: Taking a wild guess, something Tim/Cassie-ish?

If anybody else would like something, please say so!

I'll even be taking late requests like Christmas day if you get caught up with stuff. I just wanna know.

On another note, I have a fic rec:

Some People, They Roam This World Alone by MeetMeInMontauk
Fandom: Twilight
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete
Why I love it: As much as I adore the whole Edward/Bella love story, I don't believe that Edward is Bella's only route to the Cullens. I believe her relationships with the other members of the family, especially Alice and Carlisle, are also important and enough to draw her into the fold. I like that in this AU, Edward and Bella's attraction takes a backseat to the loving sisterhood growing between Bella and Alice. It's interesting how in this story the division over Bella is a little more even and not just Rosalie vs. everyone else. It appeals to the genficcer in me.

christmas, recs

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