Nov 09, 2009 12:04
so i decided after getting off the phone with G.I. Joe today to take out my tarot cards and do a past present future reading.
i hadn't used them in forever since i got here so it was really nice to shuffle the deck and put them out there.
anywho i did the reading for me and G.I. Joe.
yeah the reading was fucking sick!
loved it!!!
past=the magician upright
present=queen of swords upright
future=2 of pentacles upright
future=i'm so freaking happy because it means a strong partnership!!!
i feel so much better now.
i should have asked my tarot cards ages ago!!
they know everything.
i love them.
but they can't tell me how to cheesecake right this second...*sigh*
i want cheesecake and i want austin...but i'm so freakin happy right now so its all good. =D
(oh and charlie do not dis the cards because they were right about michele and chris' future so they are right about this.)