2005 was pretty janky til the end. a whole rollercoaster of emotions, events, and experiences. highs and lows and middles and straight blahs....
but 2006....im excited. time to make this a good one. its been good so far. my baby nephew is being born as i type this entry....a literal symbol of a new beginning. we're leaving in about half an hour to see the baby. and then the trip to new york and wcc and my 20th birthday in washington. yikes!! im turning 20....*gag* i dont wanna. but whatevs....if it brings me that much closer to being 21 then fine. haha. got a boyfriend who loves me just as much as i love him and a sister who has her license and will drive down to see me all the time and a cheer squad thats fuckin off the hook and will definitely kick ass (its all about asian love baby!) and a barkada and pcn that drives me totally insane....but the happy kind and 3 new additions to the family...including a baby girl. hahaha....it'll be awesome. imma make sure of it.
2005 can kiss my ass.....HELLO 2006!! i know im doing pretty much the same stuff as last year...but for some reason....this year just seems to be more fulfilling. does that make sense? oh well...it does to me. =D
baby aiden diesel yabut
here he is...
...trying to see the world...
...and sleeping once again.